Redeemed—how I love to proclaim it

CB301 E301 LSM66 R229
Redeemed—how I love to proclaim it!
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
Redeemed through His infinite mercy,
His child, and forever, I am.
Redeemed, redeemed,
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
Redeemed, redeemed,
  His child, and forever, I am.
Redeemed and so happy in Jesus,
No language my rapture can tell;
I know that the light of His presence
With me doth continually dwell.
I think of my blessed Redeemer,
I think of Him all the day long;
I sing, for I cannot be silent;
His love is the theme of my song.
I know I shall see in His beauty
The King in whose way I delight;
Who lovingly guardeth my footsteps,
And giveth me songs in the night.
Clement Somanje

Durban, Kzn, South Africa

This is one of my favourite hymns it reminds of this blessed life after salvation or conversion you always have the feeling that something happened within your soul and that you were bought with

blood of the Lamb.

Zolani Vusani

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Wow this is a truly blessing hymn. Wish I could sing it out loud now, you guys have made my Monday.


Westlock, Alberta, Canada

This is such a special song... praise the Lord!

Mary W.

Seattle, WA, United States

Thanks Mary from Lilburn, GA for the prayer and encouragement below. Hugs and prayers to you!:) Please keep us updated. I just checked out a website you might want to look The Lord bless thee and keep thee. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I was looking for the lyrics of "Have Thine Own Way" and found this website. God led me to this song "Redeemed" also and it brought on tears of gratitude toward my Lord Jesus. The comments below are really encouraging especially when someone has been waiting for complete healing of an illness from the Lord.

I'm going the nutrition/natural healing approach also. I just got my results from my FORECYTE breast cell test. My results showed I have some pre-cancerous cells so my naturopath is helping me clear this up and prevent cancer by stopping the inflammation with a new diet, Ondamed therapy, Pectasol C and more. I also had breast thermography showing some inflammation. Then the birthdate of my mom (who died of colon cancer Nov. of 2011) triggered a colitis flare up this month causing Dr. Darvish, my MD, to ask me to have colonoscopy.

These things are all wake up calls to me from the Lord to examine my heart and thoughts and lifestyle to live a healthier life, body, soul and spirit and to fully trust Him. To take very good care of my body for it is the temple of the Holy Spirit so I'll be able live life to the full and serve God through encouraging and loving others..

Yes, there will be days where we'll feel discouraged, trying to patiently wait on the Lord. I'm learning to trust Him fully and believe from my heart that HE IS FAITHFUL. God will never leave us nor forsake us and He will be with us always as we walk through illnesses and life's challenges. He gives us the strength, grace and courage to face anything as we continue to abide in Him and His Holy Word.

I keep reminding myself, "Everything is going to be alright, God is in control and He cares for me!" and in God's time I will be healed. Psalms 27:14

I avoid negative thoughts & reports and meditate on God's word. Singing praise songs and hymns like "Redeemed" really helps me most turning my heart, thoughts and eyes upon Jesus. I'm thankful for each day I'm alive! I thank God for this hymnal website!



Lilburn, GA, United States

There was such a heaviness hovering over me today. I've been battling with breast cancer for about 5 months and trying to tackle it with a nutritional/alternative approach. I'm making progress, but it's slow and I felt very discouraged today. I feel like I am standing against the power of our culture that wants to give everyone chemotherapy poison or cut off a body part to get healed. Gasp. As I brought all this to my LORD just now, He reminded me that I have been REDEEMED....redeemed from the curse of sin and also from the curse of the effects of this fallen world, including this cancer. I've been redeemed , not by perishable things like silver or gold, but "with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect." (1 Peter 1:18)

I began singing this hymn that I have not thought of for years. I found this website that has not only given me the words, but the music as well! (Thanks to whoever posted this!) . I want to walk in that precious redemption TODAY and receive from HIM the healing that His blood has given me. Thank You, Dear LORD, for GRACE upon GRACE to look UP to You today (not around me at people and their opinions), and find my strength and healing in YOU. This battle is really THE LORD's. Thanks for listening, everyone! I pray this will encourage someone else today! God is AWESOME.

Moses Jesudass

Plano, Texas, United States

This is one of my favorite hymns. I love to sing this hymn often. It touches my inner most emotions of my heart and draws me to my knees and worship Him with deepest gratitude for His infinite love demonstrated through the shedding of His precious blood for me.

Yes, I will sing of my Redeemer forever.

Hazellann Hadaway

Kingstown, Saint Vincent And The Grenadines

Thursday 25th October a rainy morning, God spared my daughter and myself life from an accident, on my way to work. Prayer was sent up for me and when I awoke Friday, 26th October. The Lord rest this song on my heart. I owe God my life forever.


Sydney, Australia

I L.O.V.E this song because it reminds me of my days being a sinner and now I have changed into a child of God and now I feel free from the devil and what he has done to me! I pray to all those who haven't turned to God. It's really fun and cool to have a moment with Him!! GOD WILL ALWAYS BE THERE YOU JUST HAVE TO LISTEN!!!!!!!

Dr. Dennis Demuth

Tulsa, OK, United States

The blood of Jesus is still redeeming today,"If you have a problem with wrong thoughts, confess you sin before God, for the blood of Christ can purge your conscience. If you have had a sense of condemnation and unrighteusness, it is your day to take hold of the blood of Jesus. If the devil has condemned, harassed, or tormented you, then receive the completed work of the blood of Jesus Christ." (The Life Giving Blood of Jesus Christ - BIlly Joe Daugherty, Victory Christian Center.)

William Cornelison

Augusta, Georgia, United States

Verse 2 states that the light of His presence with me doth continually dwell. Paul in Ephesians 3:17 prays for the Ephesians that Christ may continually dwell in their hearts. Christ has an ongoing dwelling, and His presense is not just an event in the past.

Piano Hymns