Of Jesus' love that sought me

B170 C231 CB286 E286 F52 G286 K231 P156 R413 S138 T286
Of Jesus' love that sought me,
  When I was lost in sin;
Of wondrous grace that brought me
  Back to His fold again;
Of heights and depths of mercy,
  Far deeper than the sea,
And higher than the heavens,
  My theme shall ever be.
Sweeter as the years go by,
Sweeter as the years go by;
Richer, fuller, deeper,
Jesus' love is sweeter,
  Sweeter as the years go by.
He trod in old Judea
  Life's pathway long ago;
The people thronged about Him,
  His saving grace to know.
He healed the broken-hearted,
  And caused the blind to see;
And still His great heart yearneth
  In love for even me.
Ray S

Waco, Texas, United States

I appreciate additional stanzas, as brother Steve offered in his Dec. 29, 2014 comment, and biographies of the lyricists, as given here Apr. 6, 2011. What an encouragement to hear the obstacles in saints lives that press them into the mold of Christ for their living fruit-bearing and the rich lyrical poetry testifying that nothing shall separate us from the love of God.

Nelson Liu

Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Lord Jesus You're sweeter as the years go by!

Henry Patrick - Erhabor

Mountainside, New Jersey, United States

Richer, fuller, deeper, Jesus' love is sweeter, sweeter as the years go by.

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

There is a 3rd stanza:

’Twas wondrous love which led Him

for us to suffer loss,

To bear without a murmur

the anguish of the cross;

With saints redeemed in glory,

let us our voices raise,

Till Heav’n and earth re-echo

with our Redeemer’s praise.


BK, CA, United States

I heard this song on a Friday college Bible studies in 1992. My heart rejoice by singing this sound. It reminds a poor sinner that I am,but Richer, Fuller, Deeper came to save us. Hallelujah for His Love and Mercy.

李 菲 麗

NC, United States

O Lord Jesus!I am deeply impressed by the author and composer, Mrs. Lelia Morris, who had absolutely consecrated her life and living serving the Lord. She continued to write gospel songs during the last fifteen years of her life, even after going blind in her early fifties. “Sweeter as the Years Go By” was written during the early years of her blindness. It is said that during this difficult time in her life, Mrs. Morris used a 28-foot long blackboard with music lines on it to help her hymn writing. In all, Lelia Morris wrote more than 1000 hymn texts, as well as many of the tunes. Her handicap never deterred her from being effective and productive for God. Even in blindness she found her Lord sweeter as the years went by.

Boaz Leong

Manila, Philippines

May this be my experience as the years go by!

Revised version:

1. Of Jesus' sweet affection

I'll sing exultantly.

For me He bore affliction

And came to dwell in me.

His life and peace bestowing,

He cares unceasingly;

His love's e'er fresher growing,

More sweet and dear to me.

Sweeter as the days go by,

Sweeter as the days go by;

Honey, wine, excelling,

E'er love's praise I'm telling!

Sweeter as the days go by.

2. Of His love's vast dimensions

I'll loud extol and praise.

What intimate affections

Ne'er leave me all my days.

So tender is my Lover;

His heart is linked to mine;

His love keeps growing richer

And deeper all the time.

Deeper as the days go by,

Deeper as the days go by;

Ocean's depth excelling,

E'er love's praise I'm telling!

Deeper as the days go by.

3. Strong, gentle love of Jesus

I evermore shall tell;

He's stronger than the strongest;

So is His love as well.

Though earth and heavens alter,

Seas dry and rocks decay,

His love will never falter;

'Tis changeless all the way.

Changeless as the days go by,

Changeless as the days go by;

Sun and moon surpassing—

Praise to everlasting.

Changeless as the days go by!

However, every spiritual matter can be confirmed by practical things. We thank the Lord for this. This is God's sovereign arrangement. For example, Hymn #231 in the Chinese hymnal borrows the good wine and sweet honey of our daily life, the great sea and vast ocean on earth, and the sun and moon in heaven to depict the Lord's love. All these things describe the Lord's love...