Press on, press on toward the goal

Press on, press on toward the goal—
  The all-inclusive Christ.
To gain the prize of God's high call,
  Press on, press on to Christ!
  Pressing on! Pressing on!
Pressing on! Hallelujah for the prize
We're pressing on! On and on!
  To gain the Christ of God!
Press on, press on, count all things loss.
  All that is gain to us,
To win the prize, the Christ of God,
  Is far more glorious!
Press on, press on to know the Lord
  And resurrection power—
Oh, this is our supreme reward,
  E'en in the suffering hour!
Press on, press on, this one thing do,
  Forget the things behind;
Press onward to the Christ before,
  Press onward with this mind!
Bill Carlisle

San Antonio, TX, United States

Gaining Christ the prize!

Press onward with this mind - set on the Spirit! Life and Peace!

Matthew and Jonathan

Irvine, CA, United States

We're pressing on! To gain more Christ!

Azucena Delgado

Vancouver, WA, United States

We must press on for He is our reward.


Sebastian, Florida, United States

This song is so encouraging to me because as we keep turning to our spirit we are pressing on toward the Christ of God and gaining Him. This should me our daily focus second by second gaining this Christ its the only thing that is real. Praise the Lord.

WenYu Xu

Ottawa, Canada

We need to forget about other things and just pressing on toward the goal! Nothing is more precious than Christ! We need to not pay attention to any matters, persons, things, and just press on toward the goal! Sometimes the enemy likes to distract us. But nothing is more attractive than Christ! He Himself is the power holding us to press on!

Veronica Tessler

Ontario, CA, United States

An email was sent to me by a brother in the middle age full time training in Anaheim. There was a link to this hymn and I for once opened up the link and sang the hymn. It was very encouraging! I also clicked on the reference to this hymn, Philippians 3:10-14 and I enjoyed verse 13 and 14, "Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before. I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward." Hallelujah for the goal which is the fullest enjoyment and gaining of Christ!!!


Butuan, ADN, Philippines

this hymn is one of my top most theme song with the Lord and with some saints as my vital partners.Hallelujah this is true and even the TRUTH. No matter what our experiences, understanding, feeling, human relationship, condition, choice, point of view, conveniency, learning and background it will not affect to us 'coz the TRUTH IS THE TRUTH nothing but the TRUTH. This will be our stand, while we are waiting for the Lord's coming back press on press on toward the goal to gain the prize of God's high call.(pcv)

Piano Hymns