Jesus, the all-inclusive land

CB1164 Cs253 E1164 F116 G1164 R387 S245 T1164
Jesus, the all-inclusive land,
  Is everything to me:
A Christ of brooks, of depths and streams,
  And fountains bubbling free.
Springing from valleys and from hills,
Flowing till every part He fills,
He waters us—how glorious—
  By His life!
Jesus is now the land of wheat—
  Incarnate, crucified.
But resurrection life is He
  By barley signified.
He is a land of figs and vines—
Blood of the grape, the cheering wine.
With such supplies He satisfies—
  Christ our land!
O what a rich, abundant Christ:
  Our pomegranate true,
The olive tree whose oil is now
  Anointing us anew.
Rich milk and honey He doth bring,
Sweet, satisfying, nourishing.
Our Christ is such; He is so much!
  What a Christ!
In our good land we eat the bread—
  There is no scarcity.
We never lack one thing in Him,
  So rich, so full is He.
He is a land so vast, immense;
He is complete in every sense.
How He expands—land of all lands—
  In our heart!
Christ is a land of iron stones,
  Whence comes authority.
We must dig out this solid Christ
  To bind His enemy.
Then we must through the sufferings pass
To be refined as burnished brass.
With iron bind, as brass refined,
  Is our need.
Lord, how we bless Thee for this land,
  The all-inclusive Christ!
We've eaten Him, we're filled with Him,
  O how He has sufficed!
Teach us to labor constantly
Upon this vast reality;
This is our joy, this our employ—
  Christ our land!
Angela Doss

Guthrie, OK, United States

Teach us to labor constantly. O Lord Jesus!

Tina Cerda

Fort Worth, TX, United States

This is our joy! This our employ. Christ our land! He expands in our hearts!


Tacoma, WA, United States

Oh Lord, we want to dig You out as the Solid Christ!

Ramona Bibit

Cavite City, Philippines

Amen. Hallelujah. 🌹😇💜Teach us to labor constantly

Upon this vast reality;

This is our joy, this our employ—

Christ our land!

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Jesus, the all-inclusive land, is everything to me!

Nora Sims

Austin, Texas, United States

We can't help but love Him.

Ryan Danek

United States

I’ve seen many of land, but nothing compared to Christ.


Atlanta, GA, United States

Thank You, Father for qualifying us for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light—for delivering us out of the authority of darkness and transferring us into the kingdom of the son of Your love so that may enjoy Christ as the good land (Col. 1:15-16). Teach us to labor constantly upon this vast reality. Oh how we need these genuine daily experiences of Christ as the good land for You to have your purpose—Your built up dwelling place on earth!

Efren Mazo

Sydney, NSW

I love going thru and thru its verses for this hymn, in LS study of Genesis in chapters 12 and 13. During Abrham's time, the land is a place where Abraham couls defeat all his enemies that God might have a kingdom on earth. Today, our land is Christ, so vast, immense and we can live in and live on, then we can defeat our own enemies...the vicious and destructive self! Hallelujah for thisi Chist...the Land!


Eugene, OR, United States

When we experience our Christ in such a way, through all the scenic ways of life, finding and gaining Him in so many ways, our view of everything becomes so heavenly, so divine, and yet we are still living here in an earthly way experiencing the high mountains and the low valleys of this earth. Oh, Christ my life supply! Oh, Christ my life!

Piano Hymns