How wonderful redemption is

B79 C94 CB116 D116 E116 G116 K94 LSM24 P54 R84 S55 T116
How wonderful redemption is,
  My gracious Lord, in Thee!
Not seen, nor heard, nor e'er conceived
  What Thou hast done for me!
Thou art divine, mysterious,
  Beyond my grandest phrase!
Redemption is so marvellous,
  Beyond all pow'r to praise!
For us Thou on the Cross wast pierced,
  And blood and water streamed;
That life divine be giv'n to us,
  That we may be redeemed.
Thy precious blood has made us clean,
  That we accepted be;
Regenerated by Thy life,
  We now are one with Thee.
Thou art the grain divine that died
  The many grains to bear,
Which, blent and formed, Thy Body are.
  And all Thy nature share.
We are the increase of Thyself,
  And Thou our content art;
Through us Thou livest and dost move
  And manifested art.
Since we're Thy Body, Thou may come
  And settle down in us;
In us Thou may obtain Thy home
  And we become Thy trust.
Thy heart to satisfy and please,
  We are Thy counterpart,
Now in one Body with Thyself,
  Enjoying all Thou art.
While in remembrance now we meet
  And here the symbols see,
For Thy redemption great and full
  We're filled with praise to Thee.
Since we are made Thy Body, Lord,
  Thy dwelling place and bride,
We would give thanks and worship Thee
  And in Thy praise abide.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.


Taipei City, Taiwan

Hi saints, anyone has English translation of Chinese corresponding chorus for this hymn? Thank you!

Jose Gilberto

El Salvador

Gracias . amados hermanos. es una bendición

Sister Xu


How wonderful redemption is,

My gracious Lord, in Thee!

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

Thank You for Your death.

Theo Williamson

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

1 How wonderful redemption is,

My gracious Lord, in Thee!

Not seen, nor heard, nor e’er conceived

What Thou hast done for me!

Thou art divine, mysterious,

Beyond my grandest phrase!

Redemption is so marvellous,

Beyond all pow’r to praise!

2 For us Thou on the Cross wast pierced,

And blood and water streamed;

That life divine be giv’n to us,

That we may be redeemed.

Thy precious blood has made us clean,

That we accepted be;

Regenerated by Thy life,

We now are one with Thee.

3 Thou art the grain divine that died

The many grains to bear,

Which, blent and formed, Thy Body are.

And all Thy nature share.

We are the increase of Thyself,

And Thou our content art;

Through us Thou livest and dost move

And manifested art.

4 Since we’re Thy Body, Thou may come

And settle down in us;

In us Thou may obtain Thy home

And we become Thy trust.

Thy heart to satisfy and please,

We are Thy counterpart,

Now in one Body with Thyself,

Enjoying all Thou art.

5 While in remembrance now we meet

And here the symbols see,

For Thy redemption great and full

We’re filled with praise to Thee.

Since we are made Thy Body, Lord,

Thy dwelling place and bride,

We would give thanks and worship Thee

And in Thy praise abide.

Caleb Jansen

Atlanta, GA, United States

We are Thy counterpart!! How precious! The Lord chose us to be His counterpart!!

Victor Olusegun Solomon

London, United Kingdom

Redemption is so mysterious. I only saw it outwardly but Christ suffered more inwardly on our behalf (Psalm 22 v4). Thank You Lord for redemption.


Jakarta, Indonesia

I love Jesus.........

T. Diyan

London, United Kingdom

Redemption is so marvelous beyond all power to praise and our grandest phrase. Amen, thank You Lord!

Added chorus:


How wondrous redemption is!

Glorious, new creation is!

Eternal effectiveness!

Full worthy of our praise!

Piano Hymns