Oh, how glorious is Thy table, Lord

Cs623 D1112 E1112 F40 G1112 LSM45 P125 R177 S108
Oh, how glorious is Thy table, Lord,
Thou, the man, our Host, presiding,
In Thy house, Thy home, abiding;
Oh, how glorious is Thy table, Lord!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah for this feast!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
  Oh, how glorious is Thy table, Lord!
How enjoyable Thy table, Lord,
As we fellowship around it,
Hallelujah, we have found it,
How enjoyable Thy table, Lord!
Oh, how precious is Thy table, Lord—
Bread and wine Thy death announcing;
Here our soul-life we're renouncing,
By partaking of Thy table, Lord.
How significant Thy table, Lord—
We Thy Body in the loaf seen,
Object of Thy love bespeaking;
How significant Thy table, Lord!
How refreshing is Thy table, Lord—
So completely satisfying,
Day by day our need supplying;
How refreshing is Thy table, Lord.
How encouraging Thy table, Lord—
"Till He come," its promise giving
Hope, to fill our daily living;
How encouraging Thy table, Lord!
Alex Pomasin

Imus City, Cavite, Philippines

Oh How glorious, enjoyable, precious, signicant, refreshing, encourage, your table Lord! So completely satisfying, day by day our need supplying.

F. Chow

Anaheim, California, United States

Hallelujah, we have found it, How enjoyable Thy table, Lord! Amen. Hallelujah


Tulsa, OK, United States

Praise for You Lord for Your glorious table!!

Stephen Aizon

Glenfield, Auckland City, New Zealand

How refreshing is Thy table, Lord—

So completely satisfying,

Day by day our need supplying;

How refreshing is Thy table, Lord.

Magdalene Ayittah

Basildon, Essex, United Kingdom

Indeed Your table refreshes, encourages and is enjoyable. Thank you Lord for Your master plan, to dine with us and we with You. Amen!!!

Maryann Marquez

Victorville, CA, United States

How glorious is thy table, Lord!

How enjoyable is thy table, Lord

Oh how precious is thy table Lord

How significant thy table Lord

How refreshing is thy table Lord

How encouraging thy table Lord!!!!


Sister Ma

Calgary, Canada

How Glorious! How enjoyable! Your complete satisfying!

Joanna Abiel

Tulsa, OK, United States

We love Your table Lord!!


Notingham, Notinghamshire, United Kingdom

How glorious is Thy table Lord.

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

Lord’s table is the best mtg!!

Piano Hymns