But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
To rid my soul of one dark blot;
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!
With many a conflict, many a doubt;
Fightings within, and fears without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!
Sight, riches, healing of the mind;
Yes, all I need, in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!
Has broken every barrier down;
Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!
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I woke up this day with this hymn in my heart and I feel so blessed singing the whole song once again. Thank you GOD for the sacrifice of your only begotten son Jesus Christ. He died so that I can live, Hallelujah!!!
Kisumu, Nyanza, Kenya
Jesus my forever song.... Bless the Lord my soul 🙏🏾 🙏🏾🙏🏾.
Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
I thank God for this song, I thank him for sending his son to be the propitiation for our sins. The Holy spirit through this song has strengthened me and given me peace and joy.... I can come just as I am, even with all I've done he still needs me around him.
Ontario, Brampton, Canada
I was doing devotion when this song dropped in my spirit. I had to google it to remember some of the words. Thank you for this song.
Gaborone, Botswana
So blessed and touched by this lovely hymn
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Praise the Lord
Nairobi, Kenya
Very blessed this morning
Paarl, Cape Town, South Africa
This song does something to me I can't explain.
Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada
The decision to respond to the call of the Lamb of God is what everyone who would be transformed into a Child of God must make. That decision also marks the beginning of a journey, a new life and a relationship with the Lamb of God. That decision is the best decision a man/woman can make. And this hymn ignites in my soul the glorious treasure possessed by the saints who have made that decision.
Coral Springs, FL, United States
Thank you, Jesus!