搜索 948
NS325 Rejoice in the Lord always 新歌
NS912 Rekindle 新歌
NS924 Remain in Christ to Stay in Life 新歌
NS440 Revelation 22:16-17 新歌
NS545 Revelation 3:20-21 新歌
NS672 Richly! 新歌
NS276 Rise up, my love 新歌
NS703 Romans 7:19-20; 8:2 新歌
NS617 Roots by the River 新歌
NS405 Saying, Where is He 新歌
NS268 Search me, O God, and know my heart 新歌
NS755 Seasons of Refreshing 新歌
NS150 Secret to be content 新歌
NS261 Seek the Lord while He may be found 新歌
NS120 Seek ye first 新歌
NS786 Seeking the Dazzling One 新歌
NS85 Set your mind on the things that are above 新歌
NS29 Set your mind on the things which are above 新歌
LB12s Señor te amo a Ti 新歌
NS591 Shepherd the Flock 新歌
LB22 Shepherd, receive man 新歌
NS359 Shepherding in Love 新歌
NS803 Showers of Blessing 新歌
NS518 Simon, son of John 新歌
NS230 Simply loving everyday 新歌