搜索 948
NS288 Lord, keep my heart open and soft toward You 新歌
NS209 Lord, now I see 新歌
NS239 Lord, take my life 新歌
NS653 Lord, thank You for a new day for me to take You as Lord 新歌
NS175 Lord, there's always been one person 新歌
NS109 Lord, there's nothing in this world like You 新歌
NS416 Lord, today, increase Thyself in me 新歌
NS770 Lord, we praise you for Your life in us 新歌
LB32 Lord, we want to live You 新歌
NS740 Lord, with all my heart I love You 新歌
NS836 Lost Prodigals 新歌
NS972 Love Prevails 新歌
NS958 Love Prevails, Never Fails 新歌
NS11 Love covers all things and believes all things 新歌
NS23 Lovers of Christ 新歌
NS1035 Lovingkindness, Compassion, Faithfulness 新歌
NS989 Luminaries in the Heavens 新歌
NS381es Ma olen elav leib 新歌
NS151ht Mahimala, kay hiwaga! 新歌
NS678 Make Me One with You 新歌
NS1053 Make Us Like Daniel 新歌
NS935 Make me a man of light with my eyes set on Thee 新歌
NS897 Make me an Overcomer 新歌
NS846 Make me holy as You! 新歌
NS36 Make me wholly Thine 新歌