搜索 4090
E977 Glorious things of thee are spoken 經典詩歌
E1275 Glorious things to thee are spoken 經典詩歌
E9 Glory be to God 經典詩歌
E1 Glory be to God the Father 經典詩歌
E186 Glory be to Him who loved us 經典詩歌
E115 Glory be to Jesus 經典詩歌
NS337 Glory! Glory! Christ is life in me 新歌
E1356 Glory! Glory! Christ is life indeed! 經典詩歌
E134 Glory, everlasting glory 經典詩歌
E7 Glory, glory to the Father 經典詩歌
E2 Glory, glory, glory, praise and adoration 經典詩歌
E240 Glory, honor, praise and power 經典詩歌
NS763 Go Therefore 新歌
NS125 Go on, go on 新歌
E583 Go to Him without the camp 經典詩歌
E583b Go to Him without the camp (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
E923 Go to collect materials for the House 經典詩歌
Go, Jesus, Go! 兒童
Go, Now Go! 兒童
NS783 God As Our Potter 新歌
God Cares for Me 兒童
God Commanded Light to Shine! 兒童
God Gives the Sunshine and God Gives the Rain 兒童
NS495 God Has Chosen You and Me 新歌
NT720 God Hath Not Promised (1) 新調