搜索 964
A Place for Everything 兒童
E299 A mind at perfect peace with God 經典詩歌
LB45 Abba Father 新歌
E104 Alas! and did my Savior bleed 經典詩歌
E593 All I have in Adam is but sin and death 經典詩歌
E858 All praise to our redeeming Lord 經典詩歌
E1281a All the meetings Christ appointed (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
E701 All the way my Savior leads me 經典詩歌
E535 All things are possible to him 經典詩歌
E1046 Almost persuaded 經典詩歌
E313 Amazing Grace 經典詩歌
E231 Amidst us our Beloved stands 經典詩歌
E296 And can it be that I should gain 經典詩歌
NS987 And the man said to me (Ezek. 40:4) 新歌
E8713 Are you a lost sheep along life's way 經典詩歌
E300 Arise, my soul, arise 經典詩歌
E300b Arise, my soul, arise (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
E8623 As now we breathe the heav'nly air 經典詩歌
E349 As pants the hart for cooling streams 經典詩歌
E8269 As pants the hart for cooling streams (revised) 經典詩歌
LB29 As virgins we must be wise and pure 新歌
E757 At even when the sun was set 經典詩歌
E367 Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ 經典詩歌
E615b Begin the day with God (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
E716 Begone, unbelief 經典詩歌