搜索 714
E64 O soul-inspiring story 經典詩歌
E652 O troubled soul, beneath the rod 經典詩歌
E286 Of Jesus' love that sought me 經典詩歌
E8231 Of Jesus' sweet affection 經典詩歌
E60 Of the Father's love begotten 經典詩歌
LB9 Oh! Jesus, Jesus 新歌
NS593 Oh, What a Preeminent Christ 新歌
E1087 Oh, hallelujah, what a death 經典詩歌
E8058 Oh, loving wisdom of our God 經典詩歌
E435 Oh, the bitter shame and sorrow 經典詩歌
E646 Oh, trust thyself to Jesus 經典詩歌
E143 On His Father's throne is seated 經典詩歌
E217 On that night of nights most solemn 經典詩歌
E223 On the table of Thy love 經典詩歌
NT223 On the table of Thy love 新調
E8353 Once I had a fervent heart 經典詩歌
E310 Once I was bound by sin's galling fetters 經典詩歌
E8245 Once in sin I served, a slave, in pain, by sin tormented 經典詩歌
E178 Our hearts are full of Christ and long 經典詩歌
E1098 Our hearts are overflowing 經典詩歌
NS147 Our history 新歌
E681 Our times are in Thy hand 經典詩歌
E1050 Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night 經典詩歌
NT1050 Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night 新調
E8725 Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night (revised) 經典詩歌