搜索 228
NS202 Lord, I love You, Lord, I need You 新歌
NS716 Lord, I open to Your light 新歌
NS660 Lord, I seek Your will 新歌
E363 Lord, I would have Thyself in all Thy beauty 經典詩歌
NS1074 Lord, Make Your Home in My Heart 新歌
NS661 Lord, My Eyes Are Seeing 新歌
NS689 Lord, Remove My Veil 新歌
NS358 Lord, You revealed Yourself to me 新歌
NS659 Lord, Your Presence Provides an Atmosphere 新歌
LB31 Lord, Your return 新歌
E8319 Lord, alone, I'm powerless 經典詩歌
E8327 Lord, come cleanse my spirit now 經典詩歌
NS206 Lord, do unveil 新歌
NS214 Lord, grant me today's supply of grace 新歌
NS236 Lord, in these days I want to set my heart 新歌
NS220 Lord, keep me from this evil and perverted age 新歌
NS288 Lord, keep my heart open and soft toward You 新歌
E412 Lord, reveal Thyself to me 經典詩歌
NT412 Lord, reveal Thyself to me 新調
E1132 Lord, teach us how to pray 經典詩歌
NS416 Lord, today, increase Thyself in me 新歌
Lord, today, keep my heart 兒童
E358 Love Divine, all love excelling 經典詩歌
E416 Lower and lower, dear Lord, at Thy feet 經典詩歌
E422 Make me a captive, Lord 經典詩歌