搜索 880
E370 Abide with me! fast falls the eventide 經典詩歌
E562 Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet 經典詩歌
E593 All I have in Adam is but sin and death 經典詩歌
E598 All fair within those children of the light 經典詩歌
E570 All my doubts I give to Jesus 經典詩歌
NT325 All my life long I had panted 新調
E1302 All the signs point to the end 經典詩歌
E535 All things are possible to him 經典詩歌
NT535 All things are possible to him 新調
NS1071 And Peter 新歌
E296 And can it be that I should gain 經典詩歌
NS41 Another new day 新歌
E584 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go 經典詩歌
E641 Art thou hung'ring for the fulness 經典詩歌
NT641 Art thou hung'ring for the fulness 新調
E8432 As God now shines into our hearts 經典詩歌
E8430 As God predestined and foreknew 經典詩歌
NS859 As the Author and the source of faith 新歌
NS818 As the Days Go By 新歌
E819 As the body is the fulness 經典詩歌
NS642 As the world rushes on 新歌
LB29 As virgins we must be wise and pure 新歌
E757 At even when the sun was set 經典詩歌
NS345 Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart 新歌
NS810 Bearing the Ultimate Responsibility to Prepare for the Lord's Return 新歌