There is a fountain filled with blood
Both Dad now Mom are in heaven now, but their teachings of Christ live on. This song was a part of the 1st Sunday communion service. I can…In the Word of God I found it Fulness of the Spirit
Thank the Lord that the anointing is constantly moving and working within us to add the element of God into us and cause us to understand…What can wash away my sin Gospel
Hallelujah!!! Yes, nothing but makes perfect but the BLOOD OF MY LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! I am RANSOMED, REDEEMED, HEALED…Mary poured out her love offering Experience of Christ
Footnote for “love” in 1 Corinthians 2:9 says “… to love Him is the indispensable requirement. ” Lord, make us those that are l…The old rugged cross Glorying in the Cross
These old hymns about the Cross have the message we all need. Thank you Jesus for going to the Cross.Full salvation! Full salvation Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Full salvation!Crown Him with many crowns Praise of the Lord
Though he was born in England, Matthew Bridges lived a number of years in Canada, and then returned to England before his death. Raised in…The Church's one foundation The Church
Thank you. I hadn't the lyrics but the holy tune filled my heart this morning. I hummed and found it via Google. To the glory of …I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
This song is an assertive reassurance that despite our troubles in life's pilgrimage, God firmly upholds us and steadies our life boat.Great is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
Whenever I feel overwhelmed, like today, my wife's been diagnosed with cancer in her breast, with my 40 yrs old son in rehab suffering from …O to be like Thee Longings
This is my daily cry, I love Jesus so much and I long to be like Him. This is a song, is my prayer and my heart desire. God…When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed Comfort in Trials
I love this hymn. I was singing it in my head earlier and I did count my blessings and thought I would check the words. So lovely and I…Stand up! stand up for Jesus Spiritual Warfare
My best song ever. One of the best we sang all the time while in college in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Sing this song now anytime I…O glorious divine love Consecration
higher than the sky deeper than the sea!! praise GodIn the Name of Jesus Praise of the Lord
Wonderful to revisit this hymn and have all the verses. Thank you. PTL.Fallen, that's the way we all begin Praise of the Lord
Praise the Lord! The best way and the most simple and refreshing way for us to contact the Lord and experience Him daily is to…
What a happy day
What a happy day! From the black of night into the kingdom of His light!Once it was the blessing Experience of Christ
“Once ‘twas constant asking… now ‘tis ceaseless praise. ” Zechariah 10:1 says "Ask rain of Jehovah. At the time of spring rai…I must tell Jesus all of my trials Prayer
I must tell Jesus, I cannot bear the burden alone!I want to thank God for making me Gospel
Amen praise the Lord in church we are one body of Christ the church in Dasmarñas blending centerBeneath the cross of Jesus Glorying in the Cross
I had never known the part with "oh, trysting place where heaven's love and heaven's justice meet"! What an amazing condensation of all…To Open Their Eyes Gospel
Lord Jesus we pray, announcing the eternal life, Enlightening all that they may believe;There is a fountain filled with blood Gospel
Both Dad now Mom are in heaven now, but their teachings of Christ live on. This song was a part of the 1st Sunday communion service. I can…Rock of Ages, cleft for me Gospel
Woke up in this early morning with the song: oh God oh God I need you now how I need you now.…O Jesus, I have promised Consecration
Glory be to God