There is a name I love to hear
Praise of the Lord
He is faithfulPraise God, from whom all blessings flow Blessing of the Trinity
Thank you Jesus for having us in mind. You are worthy of our praise and You are worthy to be praised. Glory to Your…I love my Lord, but with no love of mine Experience of Christ
Lord all credit for our love goes to you. 1 John 5:19 is a crucial verse. “We love [God] because He first loved us”. This vers…Thou my everlasting Portion Longings
The Lord has always used this hymn to revive, renew and refire me especially whenever I sense a feeling of lack or void, prayerlessness,…He's my God Comfort in Trials
Thank you God you are there for me tomorrow as you are for me today. There is no storm nor crisis you can’t bear. Your grace is su…Pass me not, O gentle Savior Gospel
One of my favorites. I know that my Lord will not pass me by. May His Name be Praised!My faith has found a resting place Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Hallelujah 🙌🙌 He died for meMy hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
My souls stands on Christ the foundation of my precious faith. He is my Lord and my Redeemer. Yes, God keeps me in Him! Thankful to God for …
May Jehovah Bless You!
loveMy hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
My souls stands on Christ the foundation of my precious faith. He is my Lord and my Redeemer. Yes, God keeps me in Him! Thankful to God for …A mighty Fortress is our God Spiritual Warfare
“the little Word” (ein Wortlein) is the baby Jesus; so this is Advent Hymn. Likewise in first line of 4th verse, “Word” should b…Lord, keep my heart always true to You Consecration
I love this song! Lord, keep my heart always true to you. Amen! 🙂😇Remove my covering, Lord Longings
Oh Lord Jesus, remove my covering that I may see Thy light. I open to You! Shine on my unrenewed mind. Shine on the good intentions of my…Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer Praise of the Lord
What a wonderful song to praise God with. God deserve our praises and so praising Him with a song like this am sure He will be delighted.…I love my Lord, but with no love of mine Experience of Christ
Lord all credit for our love goes to you. 1 John 5:19 is a crucial verse. “We love [God] because He first loved us”. This vers…My faith looks up to Thee Longings
I woke up this morning with this song in my heart. So rich and pure. Lord may my love to you, be pure warm and changeless be a living fireO God, our help in ages past Experience of God
Thanks for this wonderful hymn.It is well Assurance and Joy of Salvation
For my October 7, I used this song to close my sermon for my auntie.All to Jesus I surrender Consecration
Truly a lovely hymn
In the Beginning, God
Scriptures for Singing
What a blessing it is to hear a word from the Lord through Song bless his holy nameGlory! Glory! Christ is life indeed! Experience of Christ
George Friedrich Root was born August 30, 1820, Sheffield Massachusetts and died August 6, 1895, Bailey Island, Maine. He was buried in…It is well Assurance and Joy of Salvation
For my October 7, I used this song to close my sermon for my auntie.Lord, I love You more and more each day Experience of Christ
We love you more each day. Oh Lord Jesus!!!!And can it be that I should gain Assurance and Joy of Salvation
So nice to sing this song, I enjoy how the voice parts are harmonizedAmazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I can't wait to be with the Lord and Savior and start my ten thousand years singing His praise 🤩! Maranatha!!! Come soon Lord!!! You kno…