My Lord and I
Experience of Christ
Thank you Busi for your sharing. He will never leave you or forsake you and you will never regret clinging to Him!I was sinking deep in sin Gospel
This song is too related of my soulUnto Thee, O Lord Scriptures for Singing
Unto thee O Lord 🙌 I love this song 🎵Stand up! stand up for Jesus Spiritual Warfare
Glorious song. Thanks be to God for we are his soldiers and he is the captain.Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Blessing of the Trinity
Thank you Jesus for having us in mind. You are worthy of our praise and You are worthy to be praised. Glory to Your…Blessing to My Family Experience of God
Lord I don't want to be source of conflict to my family. Lord, I pray to make me a blessing to them and my family to the people around us. …Christ, whose glory fills the skies Longings
Lovely to read others’ take on this beautiful hymn. A favourite of mine too - often sung in the shower. Mischievously I sometimes alter ve…Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I can't wait to be with the Lord and Savior and start my ten thousand years singing His praise 🤩! Maranatha!!! Come soon Lord!!! You kno…Walk in the light Encouragement
About the time “Thou art the Everlasting Word, ” was being sung, another hymn was also popular among the various congregations: “W…
Master, speak! Thy servant heareth
Study of the Word
In the content of Jonah, the Lord called him to go to Nineveh. We also see the king of Nineveh respond to the Master speak. Help O Lord,…Sweet feast of love divine Praise of the Lord
Amen amen To see Thee face to face, Thy perfect likeness wear, And all Thy ways of wondrous grace …The Church's one foundation The Church
Thank you. I hadn't the lyrics but the holy tune filled my heart this morning. I hummed and found it via Google. To the glory of …Seven Spirits of our God Fulness of the Spirit
He is the seven-fold intensified Spirit before the throne right now to carry out His administration, running to and fro on the whole earth! …The Great Physician now is near Gospel
The song is a healing balm!I love the Lord The Word of God
This song touched my heart.. Lord Jesus, I love You!Turn your eyes upon Jesus Encouragement
Hebrews 12:2 NKJV "looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the…O Thou, in whose presence my soul takes delight Comfort in Trials
“Ps 23:1 Jehovah is my Shepherd; I will lack nothing. Ps 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me bes…Abide with me! fast falls the eventide Longings
Been battling through several illnesses the last 1year of my life, it's 1:50am & I woke up with a start with this song in my spirit. …There is Someone Comfort in Trials
What a song! Listening to it brings so much comfort to my very weary soul.
Amazing Grace
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I can't wait to be with the Lord and Savior and start my ten thousand years singing His praise 🤩! Maranatha!!! Come soon Lord!!! You kno…We have seen Christ is reality Experience of Christ
We have seen Christ is reality: But it’s not sufficient just to see: He in our experience must be Ev…Turn your eyes upon Jesus Encouragement
Hebrews 12:2 NKJV "looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the…It's a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord Scriptures for Singing
Thank You Lord this is a good thing for You have made me rejoice Psalm 92The New Dawn, New Revival Service
What a vibrant, wonderful, enlivening, and enjoyable hymn. Oh, keep us, Lord at every time still fresh till Your return. Amen!Hidden Behind Every Scene Consecration
Lord we see you!!!