There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus
just found myself singing this song and it was so assuring to me that there is no such a friend like Jesus who knows all our dirty secrets…Will your anchor hold in the storms of life Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This song has always being a source of strength and inspiration to me over the years. I learnt it from my Methodist hymnal in church. Over…I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me Praise of the Lord
Indeed I've found a friend in Jesus. Praise God!I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
Just finish singing this song in church today. This my season thank you Jesus. Continue to plant my feet on higher ground hallelujah.
I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me
Praise of the Lord
Indeed I've found a friend in Jesus. Praise God!Who is on the Lord's side Consecration
This hymn takes me back to boarding school. I love hymns!Trust and obey Experience of Christ
Very powerful 👏Nearer, my God, to Thee Experience of God
Thank u For the lyrics Love the song btw
Working will not save me
I'm grateful that these sweet & inspirational songs are still there they are so awesome 👌. Thank you for sharing. May God continue to Ble…Jesus, O living Word of God Consecration
All that we can give to You is our whole being love outpoured. Lord we belong to you. Use us Thoroughly!God wants someone to love Him Experience of Christ
It's not merely enough to know about Him or know Him, God wants someone to love Him!All to Jesus I surrender Consecration
Thank you do much for ur post . this song make me Strong my soul🙏🙏🙏To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!I am one with Thee, Lord Jesus Union with Christ
It is not a small thing to see that we are mingled with God by being one spirit with God. We may be doing the daily things we need to do,…There were ninety and nine that safely lay Gospel
So glad that I got one of my favourite song thoughImmortal, invisible, God only wise Worship of the Father
Immortal, just as the word immortal so is He, the hymn inspires me alot and each time I sing and meditate on the lyrics I feel closer and…Lord, I just love You Experience of Christ
主,我只愛祢 無何可與祢比擬 在這浩瀚宇宙中 除祢,我別無可寶可倚 主耶穌,我愛祢
I have a Savior, He's pleading in glory
Preaching of the Gospel
Steve Miller's comment on July 5th, 2016 records stories of just how touching this hymn can be. I encourage you to pray and to read it…Blest be the tie that binds The Church
This hymn has never made an impact in my life as it does today despite my being an Adventist. It forges so much hope in me that even at the …O God, Thou art the source of life Worship of the Father
Bestowing life and grace!! Lord we love you 🥰Thou, Father, who art Spirit true Worship of the Father
We praise you father!O God, th' eternal Father, Thou Worship of the Father
Amen, Praise You FatherFather of heav'n, whose love profound Blessing of the Trinity
Edward Cooper was born 1770, Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex, England. Died February 26, 1833 Staffordshire England. He was buried in Saint …To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!I am coming to the cross Gospel
This is so good and refreshing. God's Blessings.