One sat alone beside the highway begging
My first memory of this song is of my Mother singing it in church when I was a little boy in the late 40's, early 50's. I have sung it in…There is a fountain filled with blood Gospel
Both Dad now Mom are in heaven now, but their teachings of Christ live on. This song was a part of the 1st Sunday communion service. I can…I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
O God 🥺🔥🔥🙇
In some way or other the Lord will provide
Comfort in Trials
I love this songI must tell Jesus all of my trials Prayer
I cast on Jesus all this care. As I travel on through this unfamiliar place, through faith in Christ, I will follow peace with all men and…The Heart of God Ultimate Manifestation
In a time before time, in an age before the ages; There was God, all alone in eternity. In a time beyond time, in an…Great is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
My father used to sing this song a lot and played on the piano. It was such a peaceful song for me to hear. it still puts me at peace to…Give me a sight, O Savior Praise of the Lord
This hymn is wonderful. You'll find it in the Redemption Hymnal.Stand up! stand up for Jesus (Alternate Tune) Spiritual Warfare
Good songWhat can wash away my sin? Gospel
Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of…I heard the voice of Jesus say Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in…Don't Forget (2 Corinthians 13:5) Experience of Christ
"From my youth I have sought to know how to live the Christian life, how to be holy, and how to be victorious. I have read many Christian…Lord, keep my heart always true to You Consecration
I love you Lord, dearest Lord, I love you, I just love you!!
Standing on the promises of Christ my King
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
BlessedThere shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
It is good for GodGive me a sight, O Savior Praise of the Lord
This hymn is wonderful. You'll find it in the Redemption Hymnal.O living Word of God, God's image true Study of the Word
Thy Word to study, so to contact Thee, That Thou, the living Word, with Scripture, too, As one my daily manna e’er may be.Immortal, invisible, God only wise Worship of the Father
Immortal Invisible God only wise, song came mind from spirit at prayer altar. One of hymns we use to sing during morning assembly at Queens …Morning Dew Consecration
A hymn, it's a heartfelt tune. Yes, we all are needed to be able to reconsider Him as His will. We are like Paul! A prisoner of the Lord.…
The Wonderful Jesus
Amen!!!!What love Thou hast bestowed on us Worship of the Father
"What love Thou, Father, hast bestowed; We’ll ever grateful be."Living in and with the Divine Trinity Experience of God
Wonderful, spirit uplifting hymn in the morning! Constant reminder: Christ living in me and I living in Him. Thank you.Living by the Grace of God Longings
Lord, keep me living!O God, our help in ages past Experience of God
Thanks for this wonderful hymn.Will your anchor hold in the storms of life Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This song has always being a source of strength and inspiration to me over the years. I learnt it from my Methodist hymnal in church. Over…