God be with you till we meet again
The Church
A lyric of benediction, born at the moment for the need of the great “Society of Christian Endeavor, ” and now adopted into the Chri…I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
Always the cross, forever the cross for me. Draw me nearer LordMy faith has found a resting place Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I woke up with this hymn in mind . Remembering that today is Ash Wednesday. That Christ has paid the price of sin for me. So I need no…I am so glad that our Father in heav'n Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank you Jesus for loving me so dearly. I surrender my life and heart to you. I belong to you father. I will love you all my daysGlory, glory, glory, praise and adoration Blessing of the Trinity
Thank you for adding the singing track to the website. Never been able to really appreciate this hymn till now when it can be sung…Draw Me, Lord, with the Bands of Your Love Consecration
If I struggle within, You must never let me win. Lord, defeat me, and conquer me wholly;
Lord Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine
Experience of Christ
Loving Jesus now brings all life benefits, he works all things out for our good, Romans 8: 28, we get to live and reign with him for…The birthright God has giv'n to us The Church
We Christians, born of God, are the first fruits of His creatures (James 1:18) that God has reaped in His creation. In that sense we are…Thy way, not mine, O Lord Longings
I read Isaiah 14:24 and 27 about God's thought and I prayed for God to takeover my thought that I can think like God. Quickly this hymn…Oh, the bitter shame and sorrow Consecration
Thank you for this resource! you've done a great job... this is a beautiful old hymn!
I'm pressing on the upward way
Just finish singing this song in church today. This my season thank you Jesus. Continue to plant my feet on higher ground hallelujah.Just as I am Gospel
“Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt; Fightings within, and fears without, …Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Blessing of the Trinity
This song dropped in my heart while having my breakfast this morning. It's always a blessing to me. I am grateful Lord 🙏With praise and thanksgiving there Praise of the Lord
Arthur Tappan Pierson, was born on March 6, 1837, Manhattan, New York. He died June 3, 1911, Brooklyn, New York and was buried in Greenwood …Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole Longings
My prayer is always to be perfectly whole. Lord attend to my cry. You are the deliverer and when I think of the disastrous condition that…
Amazing Grace
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank the LordPraise the Lord! The God of glory Hope of Glory
Praise Him for His grace and mercy. God of Glory, thank you for appearing to us when we need it you the most…I always had love this hymn si…Thy name is as ointment poured forth Praise of the Lord
I held him and would not let go! Amen 🙏🏻God has a dream The Church
Amen! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Praised The Lord. Let we sing together and praise the Lord. Hallelujah 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻Recover My Heart Longings
PULIHKAN HATI KU (Versi Bahasa Malaysia) 1) Ku sedar hati Tu-an mendambakan Sejak da-ri keabadian lampau …There is a fountain filled with blood Gospel
There is a fountain filled with blood, Is a powerful inspirational song, Jesus die for our sin and sinners plung beneath that flood; to…Lord, I love You more today Experience of Christ
Lord I need you, thank u Lord that I can come to you, Lord you are my sweetheart, my dearest Lord, I love you amen....
Praise to the Holiest in the height
Praise of the Lord
My Lord and my God the Lord of Heaven's Armies I indeed stand in awe of your Faithfulness in our unfaithfulness! We will forever praise and …I love my Lord, but with no love of mine Experience of Christ
Lord all credit for our love goes to you. 1 John 5:19 is a crucial verse. “We love [God] because He first loved us”. This vers…The Lord shall get the glory Praise of the Lord
Amen! Yes Lord Jesus, get all the glory as we praise You unceasingly .