O Jesus, I have promised
Beautiful song that expresses all our heart’s desires.The B-I-B-L-E The Word of God
I love Jesus! when my dog died this song was playing!!! I love the Lord! praiseAs pants the hart for cooling streams Longings
says: Yea and all that will Godly in this world shall suffer persecution, plus; “Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great your reward in he…This is My rest forever Scriptures for Singing
Lord make us into Your tabernacle and be our temple!!Jesus loves the little children Praise of the Lord
This was the first song myother taught me as a very young boy. Marjorie A. Smith, my mother loved every person I ever brought…
Abide with me! fast falls the eventide
Thanks for making this possible. May the good Lord continue to uplift and bless you.What mystery, the Father, Son, and Spirit Experience of God
If He has become my all then my all must truly belong to Him. Wow! What a thoughtWhen upon life's billows you are tempest tossed Comfort in Trials
I count my blessings and they are so many to be numbered. My heart is full of gratitude for all the Lord has done, gift of salvation, life, …Therefore being justified by faith Scriptures for Singing
Thank God that He has given us His grace. He saved us because He has mercy on us. He did not save us because of our righteousness. If He…Thou, Father, who art Spirit true Worship of the Father
We praise you father!Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Praise of the Lord
God is such an AMAZING GOD! I praise Him for His wonderful works that are evident each and every day! My heart is full after singing this…Tell me the old, old story Gospel
Miss Kate Hankey born about 1846, the daughter of an English banker, is the author of this very devout and tender Christian poem, written…The Great Physician now is near Gospel
Always works wonders Spiritual transformationStanding on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
The promised of God is a sure promised no doubt about it. God is faithful to me and my family. What God cannot do does not exist.Christ our Redeemer died on the cross Gospel
I just heard the story in Exodus of the last plague when God passed over the house that was marked with the blood. What a beautiful picture …
O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me
Fulness of the Spirit
Just to breathe the Name of Jesus is to drink of Life indeed! O Lord! When we call out “O Lord Jesus” we receive the sum total of His Pers…Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus Experience of Christ
The story behind “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus“ is one example of how a hymn is bourne out of tragedy but brings blessings to the Body…Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
What a great assurance 🙏✨ Forever Grateful Lord🙇Standing on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
The promised of God is a sure promised no doubt about it. God is faithful to me and my family. What God cannot do does not exist.Let Us Rejoice Encouragement
I found this beautiful hymn by accident. It is beautiful. Lord Jesus, because we love You so much we cannot help rejoicing. Let us rejoice…My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
On him alone I standJust as I am Gospel
Glory to God, yeah this song always blesses my heart so much, through the help of the comforter holy spirit "I see the need of…
Rock of Ages, cleft for me
This song is ever new each time l sing it. When I am threatened by any danger, this song quickly comes to my mind and restores peace and…My song is love unknown Praise of the Lord
I'm not a particularly religious person, I find it hard to rationalize when mankind can be so brutally cruel to each other. I used to tell …My song shall be of Jesus Praise of the Lord
Hallelujah! My song shall be of Jesus; His mercy crowns my days, He fills my cup with blessings, …