
This is my wonderful story Experience of Christ
Hallelujah, Christ in me. The hope of glory. Amen
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Praise of the Lord
God is such an AMAZING GOD! I praise Him for His wonderful works that are evident each and every day! My heart is full after singing this…
Must I go, and empty-handed Preaching of the Gospel
This hymn song is really meaningful and very useful for any reason and occasions in the church and I sang it always. We sang this hymn song …
Rock of Ages, cleft for me Gospel
Woke up in this early morning with the song: oh God oh God I need you now how I need you now.…
Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank you Jesus for everything
Take my life, and let it be Consecration
We are so blessed to know this song through the book from Pst. Rick Warren on page 214 Better Together (what on earth are we here for? ):…
When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed Comfort in Trials
I love this hymn. I was singing it in my head earlier and I did count my blessings and thought I would check the words. So lovely and I…
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus Experience of Christ
Trusting in the Jesus with all your heart is most precious & greatest investment any mortal can make, for eternal worth.
The Love of the Truth The Word of God
Praise the Lord! Out of His great love toward us, He prepared and accomplished a marvellous salvation; then, He comes to us and…
There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
May his showers of blessings be upon the world and let sinners be converted to Christ.
Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Praise your name Lord Jesus 🙌🏽🙏🏽 I grew up in church my whole life…. This is the #1 song played during worship…
My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
On him alone I stand
I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me Praise of the Lord
Indeed I've found a friend in Jesus. Praise God!
Consecrated One Consecration
Oh Lord, help me to be a voluntary consecrated one!
I must tell Jesus all of my trials Prayer
I must tell Jesus, I cannot bear the burden alone!
Roots by the River Scriptures for Singing
Amen amen - visiting and blending with the saints in Rouen . Enjoying our Lord Jesus - Trials still may come But they…
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Blessing of the Trinity
This song dropped in my heart while having my breakfast this morning. It's always a blessing to me. I am grateful Lord 🙏