
Watch! Be Ready! Hope of Glory
Sister Marybelle shared this chorus with us on zoom one evening. I copied it to my journal. Saw it this morning, joyed again with all the…
Just as I am Gospel
Soul touching song. Jesus calling me as I am. Thanks to the composer
Not now, but in the coming years Comfort in Trials
I recently did some research, for my poetry blog, on the author of this hymn, Maxwell Cornelius. Born in 1842 and raised on a Pennsylvania…
What a Friend we have in Jesus Prayer
This song just popped up in my head. I absolutely love it. It is so clear that God is the answer to every situation. He is waiting on us !
The name of Jesus is so sweet Praise of the Lord
I was at work and I found myself singing and crying , this song I went into google and got the words, it is a song with sweet melody and…
Trust and obey Experience of Christ
I love this hymn
All to Jesus I surrender Consecration
Thank you so much for granting me the opportunity of using this hymn.
There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus Gospel
Hidden friend with a very strong presence O how I love Him always there rain or shine I love you Lord Jesus
Standing on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This my best song all along. Everytime it comes in my mind and I get myself singing it. Truely God has been our protector and when we stood …
Jesus, the very thought of Thee Praise of the Lord
Here from Seedbed Ministry/JD Walt’s Wake Up Call!
Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
God is so Amazing And he's has kept me thus far
More about Jesus would I know Longings
Love this song from I was a child, going church with my grandmother, It has never left me More about JESUS let me…
O Come All Ye Faithful Praise of the Lord
We all know this famous Christmas hymn. We know what great things this chid ended up doing. He became our marvelous savior. We can not look …
At Calvary Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I have been going thru some trials and praying to the Lord he opened my eyes to walk with him to Calvary. How he felt and the price he…
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
While I prayed and studied this morning, this song wailed up in my spirit as a confirmation of God's instruction to fix my heart and soul…
Not now, but in the coming years Comfort in Trials
I recently did some research on the author of this hymn, Maxwell Cornelius. Born in 1842 and raised on a Pennsylvania farm, he faced trials …
Once it was the blessing Experience of Christ
Christ is everything.
Take time to behold Him Encouragement
O Lord, I love You! I come to You right now! I want to spend time contacting You. Let me take the time to behold & absorb You, to speak…