Lord, keep my heart always true to You
I love you Lord, dearest Lord, I love you, I just love you!!Master, how shall I bless Thy name Encouragement
I long to praise Thee more!Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry Gospel
Lord do not leave me as I amFather, Thy Son beloved leads our praise Worship of the Father
Thank you father that we can worship you for everything you did for us!To Thee, dear Lord, O Christ of God Praise of the Lord
Oh Lord, Our Cup of Joy to Bring, Sing we’ll ever sing!Far away the noise of strife upon my ear Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Christ our Land!!!Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Praise your name Lord Jesus 🙌🏽🙏🏽 I grew up in church my whole life…. This is the #1 song played during worship…Down from His glory Praise of the Lord
I like verse 2. “God gracious tender laid aside His spender” this is truly condescension. This is based on Paul’s Epistle to the Philip…I've believed the true report Experience of Christ
Hebrews 10:19 “We have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through th…Oh, what a life! Oh, what a peace Experience of Christ
What a revelation that Christ lives in me. But even more I can live by Him, So it’s no longer I that live but Christ lives in me and the li…There's a race for us to run—Hallelujah Encouragement
There's a race for us to run. Hallelujah.I am so glad that our Father in heav'n Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank you Jesus for loving me so dearly. I surrender my life and heart to you. I belong to you father. I will love you all my daysLife at best is very brief Gospel
Ps. 39 vs 4-6 life is a shadow and Brief indeed and we can't take anything away. Let us live for God today as that's all that matters and…And can it be that I should gain Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank You Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins, You left Your Father's throne above so free, so infinite Your grace, emptied…Just as I am Gospel
It's a hymn of reassurance, that each the sincere believer comes to the cross of Christ for cleaning, he is sure to find love and…Faith of our fathers, living still The Church
This song is soul upliftingLord, Thou art the Seed of woman Praise of the Lord
Praise the Lord, The Son is given to us. “Everlasting Father” called. Amen.To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!
Jesus won't You come
Hope of Glory
Wonderful HallelujahHere a Little, There a Little Experience of Christ
Little by little, more and more! Let’s enjoy Christ a little more today...Jesus, lover of my soul Gospel
What a comfort to sing this song and to be reminded that God is there!O for a thousand tongues to sing Praise of the Lord
See all 18 original verses in Wikipedia.Lord Jesus Christ, our heart feels sweet Praise of the Lord
Lord Jesus Christ, our heart feels sweet Whene’er we think on Thee, And long that to Thy presence dear We…Jesus, wondrous Savior Praise of the Lord
Jesus, oh wondrous Savior, the King of kings!! Lord, You are the fairest. No one else, nothing else can compare with You. All consist in…Majestic sweetness sits enthroned Praise of the Lord
Little did I know there are moments I was captivated by other things but there is still this feeling of vain and emptiness. I was reminded…