My song is love unknown

My song is love unknown,
  My Savior’s love to me;
Love to the loveless shown,
  That they might lovely be.
    O who am I,
    That for my sake
    My Lord should take
    Frail flesh, and die?
He came from His blest throne
  Salvation to bestow;
But men made strange, and none
  The longed-for Christ would know:
    But oh, my Friend,
    My Friend indeed,
    Who at my need
    His life did spend.
Sometimes they strew His way,
  And His sweet praises sing;
Resounding all the day
  Hosannas to their King:
    Then “Crucify!”
    Is all their breath,
    And for His death
    They thirst and cry.
They rise and needs will have
  My dear Lord made away;
A murderer they save,
  The Prince of life they slay.
    Yet cheerful He
    To suffering goes,
    That He His foes
    From thence might free.
In life, no house, no home
  My Lord on earth might have;
In death, no friendly tomb,
  But what a stranger gave.
    What may I say?
    Heav’n was His home;
    But mine the tomb
    Wherein He lay.
Here might I stay and sing,
  No story so divine;
Never was love, dear King,
  Never was grief like Thine.
    This is my Friend,
    In whose sweet praise
    I all my days
    Could gladly spend.
Julie Mene-Okotie

Lagos, Nigeria

A murderer they save the Prince of life they slay, yet He bore it all and died to save His murderers and me. I can't praise Him enough


Tipton, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Thank you to the person who wrote these beautiful words. . We always sang this at school in assembly, and Thank you father for your sacrifice and for loving us so much 🙏


When I first heard this song I fell in love with the words . I could not get the tune of it . But I listen to it every morning when doing my devotion. God our Father send His Son Jesus who knew no sin to die for our sin. Oh what love . Oh what matchless love . Thank you Lord

Adeola Bankole

Lagos, Nigeria

This was our constant early morning devotional song, in our school, prior to every morning prayer in our dormitory. This was five decades ago. Though not a Christian at that time, the tune never left my head! Only 32 years ago I became a Christian, and I’ve come to appreciate who The Lord JESUS CHRIST really is, through the lyrics of this song. Thank You LORD JESUS, Thank GOD for JESUS, thank GOD for that anointed song writer, thank GOD for making me pass through that High School where I first came across this song! Shalom!

Al Stoner

Merrillville, Indiana, United States

My wife was playing this on the piano today. I had heard the melody before, but never before considered closely the words. Precious indeed are the thoughts contained in this hymn. I know of no other exactly like it. What wondrous love was demonstrated and poured out in our behalf by the blessed Savior that God has given us! Lord, may we live and walk worthily of You each day until Your blessed appearing!

Lawrence McIlhoney

Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

I’ve loved this hymn so long, and I can’t read it without welling up. I love Jesus, He’s fantastic. And Crossman’s words here are way ahead of their time.


United Kingdom

This beautiful hymn has sustained me since I was 13, although I didn't realise its power then!! I am more than 5 decades beyond that now. Thank you - I can now print off the verses and sing them to myself as I go about my day!!


Uxbridge, London, United Kingdom

Thank you so much for this. Didn't really know this website before. Nice to read and have the hymn to sing along to 😊

Jon H.

Romford, United Kingdom

Oh my friend, my friend indeed, who for my need Your life did spend.

Amaka Umeh

Silver Spring, MD, United States

Really a love story. What a great love, to die for anyone, much less your enemy. For this God, the Father who willing let it happen, waooh!! Can you imagine giving up your only child? Even if you have 12, will you give up one? A great love from an awesome and great God and Son. Lord I pray for grace to love and trust You more and more with every breath in me in Jesus matchless name, Amen.