I once was dead—dead in my sins

LSM69 NS82
I once was dead—dead in my sins;
Behaved myself in lust of flesh.
By nature such a child of wrath,
Even as the rest.
But God being so merciful
Because of His great love to me
Enlivened me I’m now in Christ
Seated in the heavenlies.
But that’s not all! I’m with the saints.
Together we’re His workmanship,
His masterpiece expressing Him
In the heavens and on earth.
I was once apart from Christ, you know;
Alien from the wealth of Israel;
Not a hope—not even one to tell,
Without God in the world.
Now in Christ He has become my peace;
By the blood of Christ I am released.
I am one with all the saints, since He’s
Broken down the middle wall.
He has died creating one new man.
Thus fulfilling God’s eternal plan.
With all saints together, let us stand,
Shout and sing and praise the Lord!
ryan ela

Catarman Northern Samar, San Jose, Philippines

God bless you all.