God is Spreading in My Being

  God is spreading in my being!
As the Spirit filling me!
From my spirit to my soul
To my body, I am wholly
  sanctified in Christ,
  preserved complete!
And the God of peace Himself
Sanctify you wholly,
And the God of peace Himself
Sanctify you wholly.
May your spirit and your soul and body
Be preserved complete, without blame,
Be preserved complete and without blame
At the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lauren Outlaw

Springville, Utah, United States

May the God of peace sanctify us wholly!

Melissa Cartwright

Atlanta, GA, United States

I love this! I also really, really like your Ezekiel 40:4 song (And the Man said to me). Please keep composing! Those of us who are not so musical appreciate the saints who can compose. It's a wonderful thing, to sing to the Lord, and with others, to enjoy Him!




Daryl Smith

Lincoln, NE, United States

Wow! What a marvelous song and reality!


The Lord Jesus makes us whole, and without blame, like him. :D

Zion Mun

East Palestine, OH, United States

Fresher than morning dew!

Victor Chen

Champaign, Illinois, United States

gooooddd iiissss spreeeadding throooough my beeeeinnnggggggg

Jordan S

Anaheim, CA, United States

God is spreading in my being!

Daniel Alvarado

El Paso, Texas, United States

May our spirit, soul, and body be sanctified and preserved complete!


From my spirit to my soul, to my body I am wholly sanctified with Christ reserved complete!