I Need a Vision

Now the prophet Ezekiel, while he was a captive,
He saw the visions of God
By the river Chebar the heavens were opened,
And he saw visions of God.
I need a vision, a heavenly vision,
A revelation of the Lord (and this age);
Grant me a vision, such a heavenly vision,
A revelation, dear Lord!
Then the word of Jehovah came to him expressly,
He saw the visions of God;
By the river Chebar came the hand of Jehovah,
Then he saw visions of God.
(Chorus 1)
On the isle of Patmos John saw the vision,
The revelation of the Lord (Jesus Christ).
Saw the seven churches, and the seven Spirits,
He saw the vision of this age.
I’ve seen a vision, a heavenly vision,
I’ve seen a vision of the Lord (and this age);
Grant me a living, such a heavenly living,
To match this vision, dear Lord!
See the New Jerusalem, see the holy city,
See the bride adorned for the Lord (Jesus Christ),
See the consummation of all the visions,
See the final vision of the age!
(Chorus 2)

Prague, Czech Republic


Ben Kayekjian

Lubbock, Texas, United States

Lord take the veil away that we may see the heavenly vision!

Sarah Anne

Ochtrup, Munster, Germany

What a beautiful song and tune; I am enjoying myself ; by belting out this song; with every thing I have in me to glorify my king. Thank you for the lyrics and music. S. A. W.—I am going through all the songs he wrote and put music too. I love to sing loud; as I am all alone; I can be as loud as I want: God bless. Thank you again.

Isaac Estrada

Austin, Texas, United States

Lord grant me a vision!! I want to see more of You!! Lord I love You!