They walked along the road

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They walked along the road:
Two disciples, all alone,
Their Master dead and gone.
A man to them drew near,
Spoke to them and calmed their fears,
They told Him everything.
(He said:)
Why don’t you believe?
For it was necessary
For the Christ to suffer all these things
And enter His glory.
Why don’t you believe?
Why don’t you believe?
They came to journey’s end;
He came in to eat with them,
He blessed and broke the bread.
Then opened were their eyes;
Jesus Christ they recognized.
He disappeared from them.
(They said:)
Did not our hearts burn
As He spoke those words?
While we walked with Him
The Scriptures were opened.
Did not our hearts burn?
Did not our hearts burn?
We walk along our road
He reminds us we were told
“I’m with you every day.”
No matter how we feel,
He’s the Spirit, He is real,
Indwelling you and me.
(We say:)
Do not our hearts burn
When we hear His word?
Jesus Christ, within,
In resurrection lives!
Do not our hearts burn?
Do not our hearts burn?

This is a beautiful hymn, I teared up when I sang it the first time

David W

United States

I love it when we revisit these songs at home meetings. Thank you K for reminding me of my comment.

David W

United States

I heard this in Europe and now I’m singing this in America!



We say

Do not our hearts burn?

We love you dear Lord Jesus.

Thanks for your sweet supply.

Jacky Lin

North District, Taichung, Taiwan

Yes! No matter how we feel, He’s the Spirit, He is real, indwelling you and me!

Ping Vui Ting

Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

When I listen to this song and tried to sing along... But just can't cos it broke me down to tears... (why don't you believe?) oh Lord You're always there by my side burning me every moment. Speak to me every moment Lord. That I'll turn and walk You till the end of my life. Praise You Lord.

Ping Vui Ting

Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

Lord, do come and burn my heart through Your speaking!


Austin, TX, United States

Amen, when we walk with the Lord the scriptures are opened and no matter how we feel He’s the Spirit and He is real!


Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

For it was necessary

For the Christ to suffer all these things

And enter His glory. Amen


Birmingham, United Kingdom
