The Full Price

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The full price King David did pay,
Ornan’s threshing floor to obtain;
Here God’s house was built and with glory filled;
Yes, for God’s house King David paid dearly.
Sacrifices, burnt offerings
Let us now wholeheartedly bring.
At great cost are purchased all precious things;
For His house let’s unreservedly give.
Lord, like David, we’ll pay the full price;
With strong purpose, from slumber arise!
Set our heart and soul, Lord, affection, too;
For Thine house may we be faithful and true.
Lord, our off’rings will never be those
Which cost nothing; to Thee all we owe!
Set our heart and soul, Lord, affection, too;
For Thine house may we be faithful and true.
Oh, how great the work David faced;
’Tis not man’s but God’s dwelling place.
For this cause prepared he abundantly—
Gold and silver, and timber aplenty.
Lord, like him we too must prepare
For Thine house; this burden we bear,
In affliction, comfort—in any state—
Always ready Thine high call to obey.
From his private chest of great wealth
David brought forth, nothing withheld.
His own gold and silver and precious things,
He surrendered in off’ring so freely.
Our own wealth, our comfort and ease,
E’en our youth, bright future and dreams,
On the altar lay we most cheerfully;
None’s more worthy all our best to receive!
Who are we that we’d dare to boast
Of whate’er on Thee we’d bestow?
All’s from Thee; from Thine hand we give them back,
Borrowed treasures returning most gladly.
Who shall then to Thee consecrate
Willingly his being today—
His whole heart and soul, his whole mind and strength?
Lord, our life we now present unto Thee!
Oh, how glorious! God’s people, arise!
Join the great throng who’ll pay the full price!
With our spirit strengthened, our praise we sing
To our God who will the building complete.
Oh, how worth it! We’ve counted the cost;
Boldly offer; ’tis never a loss!
God, man as one mingled—our destiny;
Mutual rest and satisfaction complete!

Portland, Oregon, United States

"... And who will offer willingly, consecrating himself today to Jehovah?" (1 Chronicles 29:5)

Lord, we just would like to respond to your calling.

Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States

But the prudent answered, saying, Perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you; go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves. Matthew 25:9

Oh, how great the work David faced;

’Tis not man’s but God’s dwelling place.

For this cause prepared he abundantly—

Gold and silver, and timber aplenty.

Lord, like him we too must prepare

For Thine house; this burden we bear,

In affliction, comfort—in any state—

Always ready Thine high call to obey.

How great the work David faced. We face the same work today. We are God's dwelling place. But within us remains so many things that hinder our mutual abiding with God. For this cause David prepared abundantly! Hallelujah may we be like the prudent and prepare so abundantly!

Isabelle Pope

Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Who shall then to Thee consecrate willingly his being today?

His whole heart? and soul? his whole mind? and strength?

Lord, our life we now present unto Thee!

Oh, how worth it! We’ve counted the cost!

Boldly offer... tis NEVER a loss!

Tim Ou

Austin, Texas, United States

Who shall then to Thee consecrate

Willingly his being today—

His whole heart and soul, his whole mind and strength?


Nottingham, United Kingdom

Who are we that we’d dare to boast

Of whate’er on Thee we’d bestow?

All’s from Thee; from Thine hand we give them back,

Borrowed treasures returning most gladly.

Terry Barck

Mpls, MN, United States

This is what The Lord is after ... consecrated corporate lovers of The Lord to meet His need in this age, at this time.


Birmingham, AL, United States

Love this song of consecration. He is most worthy. Let us give unreservedly, not seeking any recognition for ourselves.

David X


Who are we that we’d dare to boast of whate ‘er on thee we’d bestow ? All’s from thee; from thine hand we give them back,

Borrowed treasures returning most gladly.

Who shall than to Thee consecrate willingly his being today—

His whole heart and soul, his whole mind and strength?

Lord, our life we now present unto Thee!

C. R. O. O.

Solano, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

How glorious if all God's people will rise up to build His house..

We are the David's of today, we should stand for His building.

It's worthless to build our own houses while God's house lieth waste.

He desires a home.

Deshanestrel S. Suma-oy

Dipolog City, Zambo. Norte, Philippines

We must be those willing to pay the price!