Christ Lives in Me

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Christ lives in me, oh how can this be?
He breathed Himself as life to me.
How simple, and normal, His life becoming mine.
Yes, Lord, keep spreading in my being.
Christ lives in me, oh what a mystery.
Not seen nor heard, yet still lovely.
Beautiful and charming, I can’t stop loving Him.
Jesus, most precious One to me.
Christ lives in me, yes, my reality.
Oh Tree of Life, I eat freely.
Enjoying, day by day, I live because of Him.
Dear Lord, You taste so good to me.
Lola Yee

Allen, TX, United States

Praise the Lord that CHrist lives in me!


McKinney, Texas, United States

Christ in me is a great song recommend

King Kenny

Richardson, Texas, United States

Love this song. From verses John 20:22, 1 Peter 1:8, and John 6:57.

Ken Yee

Texas, United States

Yes, Christ lives in me. What a wonderous mystery!

Feeyong Yee

Richardson, Texas, United States

I learned this at a young people’s meeting. It is so refreshing! Christ, not seen nor heard, yet so lovely. I can’t stop loving Him.

Kathy Lee

Richardson, TX, United States

I love this song. It's so touching.

Matthew Hsieh

We sang this song in our young people’s meeting recently. How precious that Christ lives in us!

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

I've been enjoying this song while eating my breakfast :) Lord, keep spreading in my being this morning!

Paul Crain

Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Enjoying this song with the saints in Knoxville, TN! We're so blessed to know that Christ lives in us! This mystery was hidden for generations but has now been made known! Praise the Lord!

Joann Lofranco

Minglanilla, Cebu, Philippines

Yes, Lord, keep spreading in my being.