Choose to Be an Overcomer

Noah’s life was one that surely changed the age,
When he found the grace of God;
He was not afraid to stand against the world,
So he built the ark of wood.
Would you choose to be a living overcomer,
Be a person not ashamed to be a Jesus lover,
One who eats the tree of life,
And drinks the living water?
Would you choose to be a living overcomer,
To leave the world and consecrate
To be today’s age-turner?
I give myself to You for Your return.
Moses was a person who was called by God,
He was meant to turn the age;
He was God’s companion, he was for God’s move,
He was faithful, meek, and sage.
Samuel ministered to be a God-pleasing priest,
He was absolute for Him;
Samuel gave himself to be a Nazarite,
Saved from death, the world, and sin.
Daniel had companions, and they ate God’s Word,
From the world, they stood apart;
Through a praying spirit were aligned with God,
For His people, God’s own heart.
I will choose to be a living overcomer,
Be a person not ashamed to be a Jesus lover,
One who eats the tree of life,
And drinks the living water.
I will give myself to be an overcomer,
To see a heav’nly vision,
Keep my flaming spirit burning!
I give myself to You, to turn this age.

Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Praise the Lord. I Will choose to be a living overcomer


Richardson, Texas, United States

Awesome Song

Joel Israel

Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

I will give myself to be an overcomer,

To see a heav’nly vision,

Keep my flaming spirit burning!

I give myself to You, to turn this age.


this song really touched me


Praise the Lord!


Thank you so much for the words in this worship song.


Charlotte, North Carolina, United States


We will choose to be an overcomer—a person not ashamed to be a Jesus lover!

Martins Ologbon Jnr

Igarra, Edo State, Nigeria

Amennn Lord Jesus! Such a rich hymn. I choose to be a living overcomer like Daniel, Moses, Samuel and Noah. May the Lord strengthen us to become overcomers who are consecrated to God's Economy and are not ashamed to witness Christ even in our daily living. Amennnn.


California, United States

In Judges 5:15 Deborah said, “Among the divisions of Reuben / There were great resolutions in heart.”

“We have to make a resolution to be the overcomers, the vitalized ones.”


And though everything may fall apart

Or everything go my way,

It doesn’t really matter, Lord,

As long as I gain You today!!!
