God Needs the Overcomers

God used John, the Baptist,
Who left his home and good past;
Left the religion of his age.
He turned from the oldness,
And spoke the Word with boldness,
“Repent and leave this crooked age.”
God needs the overcomers,
’Our dear Lord Jesus’ lovers!
Make us those who live to turn the age!
God needs the overcomers,
’Our dear Lord Jesus’ lovers!
Make us those who consummate the age!
God called Saul of Tarsus,
For His own plan and purpose,
Who became Paul, the apostle;
He saw a heav’nly vision,
Where there is no division,
In the one Body of the Lord.
God called Timothy, now,
Like-souled with Paul, who knew how
To pray and be soaked in the Word;
His spirit fanned into flame,
Lord, make my spirit the same,
An overcoming man of God!
Make us the overcomers,
Christ’s Bride, and God’s age-turners.
Make us those who consummate the age!
Nicole Ho

Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Amen! This is one of my favorite songs.


WA, United States

God needs the overcomers! He must have them to consummate this age, to build the Body, that the Bride could make herself ready (Rev. 19:7), that He could return! That's why He made a call to the overcomers, " to him who overcomes", 7 times in Revelation 2-3. It's not a matter of whether I want to be an overcomer or not. It's a matter that God needs the overcomers so He can return. Lord, I give myself to you that, by Your 7-fold intensified Spirit, you could make me and many others into overcomers to meet Your need!


Kupang, Indonesia

Make me the overcomers

Rocío Saucedo Madera

Durham, North Carolina, United States

Lord Jesus overcome in us! We want to be those who bring you back. We want to be living overcomers!

Taylor C.

Forth Worth, Texas, United States

Oh Lord! Wake us up from this stupefied age! Make us the overcomers! Christ's Bride, and God's age Turner's! Make us those who consummate the age!

Okuneye Olufemi

Lagos, Southern-Western, Nigeria

Paul the apostle:

He saw a heav’nly vision, (Act:26:19)

Where there is no division.

May we see vision where there is no division.

Stephen Bellingham

Irvine, CA, United States

Simple. Yet profound.

Brandon Leeray Guzman

Austin, Texas, United States

Lord help us turn from the oldness so we can speak your word with boldness

Jared Huang

Austin, Texas, United States

Make us, Lord!



Make us the overcomers,

Christ’s Bride, and God’s age-turners.

Make us those who consummate the age!
