And we have the prophetic word

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And we have the prophetic word
Made more firm, to which you do well
To give heed as to a lamp
Shining in a dark place,
Until the day dawns
And the morning star
Rises in your hearts.
Maria Levi

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Saints we have the prophetic word made more firm,

To which we do well to give heed as to a lamp

Shining in a dark place (entire world),

Until the day dawns (Lord's appearing)

And the morning star (Lord Jesus), rises in our hearts.

Dembe Twakasulo

Kinsasha, Democratic Republic Of Congo



Chicago, United States

‘And when they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. ’ Matt 2:10


Until the day dawns

And the morning star

Rises in your hearts.

Laura Balisky

Corona, CA, United States

This song makes my heart soar. When I play and sing this song I feel as if I'm with the Lord Jesus and singing to Him. I'm so amazed and thankful for the Brother or Sister who arranged this song with such a magnificent melody. Praise the Lord. What a joy it is to lift our voices, praising Him!


OKC, OK, United States

Hallelujah for the morning star!! This star lead me to God’s heart’s desire. For the last 41 years it has been shining over God’s kingdom on the earth and has kept me here in His word!

Udokwu Onyinye

Anambra, Nigeria

Praise the Lord!

Philip Watson

United States

This the way to overcome the degradation of the church—seek Christ in the Word as the morning star, the freshness of His presence, which is for those who are watching and waiting in darkness before Hos coming. Rev. 2:28



Really nice hymn. Thanks.

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

Praise the Lord that we have the prophetic word! This word is a lamp that shines in this dark age.