For Which Cause

LSM363 NS363
For which cause, I remind you
To fan into flame the gift of God
Which is in you
Through the laying on of my hands,
You fan into flame the gift of God,
Which is in you.
For God has not given us
A spirit of cowardice,
But of power and of love
And of sobermindedness.
Do not be, be not ashamed
Of the testimony of our Lord
Nor of me;
Suffer with me and with the gospel,
It’s the testimony of our Lord
For the gospel.

From the 2011 East Coast College Training in Athens, Georgia.

Mark's Roomate - College Training - 2018

Athens, GA, United States

Praise the Lord! We don't want to be ashamed of the gospel Lord! We want to suffer with You and with the gospel! Our life is for You! Give us a spirit of power, and of love, and of sober-mindedness for this Lord!


Champaign, United States

Lord, thank You for this Spirit You’ve given us. Of power, love and sobermindedness!

Renyta Suwuh

Austin, Texas, United States

Amen Lord keep us laying our hands on You every day!

Stephen Nguyen

Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Praise the Lord for a spirit of power, of love, and of sobermindedness!


Los Angeles, CA, United States

Lord fan our spirits into flame! What a waste to not exercise such a gift as our spirit.

As a testimony of the Lord, we are not ashamed to suffer loss with our Lord because our spirit contains the One who is power, love, and sobermindedness!

Shaira Ylanan

Cebu, Bogo, Philippines

Praise the Lord for the spirit which is the gift of God we should fan into flame.

Vinh Nguyen

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Praise the Lord for a spirit of power, of love, and of sobermindedness!


Charlottesville, VA

Amen! We have the gift of God in us! Lord keep us fanning our spirit into flame in every situation.

Ben B

Worcester, MA, United States

I love this song so much! The college training where this was written was awesome. Remember, God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power and of love and of sobermindedness!