Take time to absorb Him

Take time to receive Him—the blessing’s outpoured,
And we may obtain it by reading His Word;
We bask in the splendour of His healing light,
And light becomes life, as in Him we delight.
Take time to absorb Him, to gain the supply,
That we may be watered and nourished thereby;
The deeper the roots spread, the deeper the flow,
And richer and higher within us He’ll grow.
Take time to inhale Him—His Word we may breathe;
By breathing it, God’s very life we receive—
He breathes Himself out so that we may breathe in
The life, the reality, fullness of Him.
Take time to enjoy Him, our portion is He:
Our present, available reality;
Our practical, real, and enjoyable Lord
Is everything to us through His living Word.
Take time to behold Him, gaze oft on His face,
Receiving His Person, and grace upon grace.
By His pleasant shining, infused we will be;
Our faces will glow with His light, radiantly.
Evangeline Huang


Nice Hymns!

Javier Gonzalez

Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

What a rich and sweet hymn!

I enjoyed that our Lord it's our portion! He is present, He is available and He is real!

He is everything to us through His living word!


Wellington, New Zealand

The last verse is so good. It reminds me of this point in the ministry,

Regarding the standing boards of the tabernacle : "the gold was not only the oneness of the standing boards; it was also their glory. By being overlaid with gold, the standing boards bore the glory of the gold, for the shining of the gold was their glory, their expression....Hence the oneness of the forty-eight boards was not only in the gold, ... But also in the shining of the gold."

Armand Tongo

Caloocan, NCR, Philippines

We need to spend our time to read the Bible because this is the way to receive His unsearchable riches and to be constituted with His word that we may be filled with Christ and speak for Him. The more we enjoy, the more we will be saturated with His word.


Anaheim, CA, United States

I was so watered by singing this hymn with the music on this website today. I was reminded to take time to absorb Him. Ooh...how I love HIM! Thank you for posting this hymn.

Nathan Anderson

United States

The title is soooo true!

Arman G.


Strength and supply come from taking time with the Lord to absorb Him.



Brothers and sisters, we should all ask for the living-water and let the water in our hearts. Also we need to carry out the gospel to everyone, not just enjoy that by ourself, we need to preach out! Let everyone understand the kingdonm of God, the Bible says—when gospel preached unto all the nations, the end shall come!!! We are all chosen to preach the kingdom of God and express God Himself! We are all priests and prophets!!! Even a 10 year old kid if he received the Lord! When we are preaching, the Body of Christ is being built up, then when the Body is fully built up, He will come back!!!