If God leads you to walk a way

NS291 NS291c
If God leads you to walk
A way that you know,
It will not benefit you as much as
If He would lead you to take the way
That you do not know.
This forces you to have
Hundreds and thousands of
Conversations with Him,
Resulting in a journey that is an
Everlasting memorial
Between you and Him.
Reen Hwong

Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

I love You Lord, though I may not understand the ways which You have measured for me. Lord I still love You and thanks for loving me.



Father, I know that all my life is portioned out for me,

And the changes that are sure to come I do not fear to see;

But I ask Thee for a present mind intent on pleasing Thee.

Jeremy T

Irvine, CA, United States

Amen Lord lead us to take the way that we do not know!!!


Irving, Texas, United States

Yes, lead us in Your way. May our days be a memorial for the building up of Your Body.

Sean Lee

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

Praise You Lord! Let us have hundreds and thousands of conversation with You!

Phebe Hii

Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

Thank the Lord. The Lord has always been with me on this journey, even right from the beginning so I can have hundreds and thousands of conversations with Him. His leading is never wrong. He knows best. His will, His way and His timing :)


Dunn Loring, VA, United States

Lord, may we cooperate with Your leading, even if we do not know the way. But increase the experiences of conversing with You in our daily walk with You!


Auburn Hills, MA, United States

For years now these sweet words from Watchman Nee have led my heart to pray not for the circumstances of life but for the enjoyment of sweet presence of my dear Lord Jeaus.

Chosen me

It touches my heart... LORD will always lead us to the way wherein we can always make turns into HIM.. LORD JESUS thank You for the journey, that caused me to make hundreds and thousands of conversations to YOU LORD... LORD JESUS I LOVE YOU!

Jennifer Yii

Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Thank You, Lord Jesus for Your companionship. Fellowshipping with You even as simple conversations shines up everything. Though, You know way are suffering & difficult. You still have mercy on me. Praise the Lord, for everything! This hymn touched me a lot!! Amen!!