The Christian Life

The Christian life, a Christ-filled life,
A life of living Christ as life,
Is Christ my person and my grace,
A life of living face to face.
The Christian life, a loving life,
A life of loving freed from strife,
Is God in Christ as love poured out,
Enjoyed within, expressed without.
The Christian life is God in Christ,
A priceless treasure and our life;
We turn, behold, reflect, and see,
Een as He is, we all shall be.
The Christian life, a broken life,
A life no longer I, but Christ,
Is Christ our fragrance and our taste,
By Spirit: holy, pure, and chaste.
The Christian life, a grafted life,
Is found in our Lord Jesus Christ;
And by His cutting on the Tree
A place was made for you and me.
The Christian life, a grafted life,
Is Christs desire, and Gods delight;
Organic union with the Lord,
We live in Christ in one accord.
The Christian life, a growing life,
Joined to the resurrected Christ,
In Spirit grows organically,
To be His Body practically.
The Christian life, maturing life,
Is Christ in all to be applied;
Tis not exchanged but mingled in,
The richest life with mine does blend.

2024 International Memorial Day Conference, Messages 1 and 2