We Do Not Lose Heart (2 Cor. 4)

Therefore having this ministry
As we have been shown mercy,
We do not lose heart; (4:1)
Because the God who said, Out of darkness light shall shine,
Is the One who shined in our hearts
To illuminate the knowledge of the glory
Of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (4:6)
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels
That the excellency of the power
May be of God and not out of us. (4:7)
And having the same spirit of faith
According to that which is written,
“I believed, therefore I spoke,”
We also believe, and also speak, (4:13)
Therefore we do not lose heart;
But though our outer man is decaying,
Yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. (4:16)
Because we do not regard the things which are seen
But the things which are not seen;
For the things which are seen are temporary,
But the things which are not seen are eternal. (4:18)
Therefore having this ministry
As we have been shown mercy,
We do not lose heart. (4:1)