We’re in the age of jubilee

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We’re in the age of jubilee.
The Lord has come to set us free.
No more oppressed and poor to be.
Receive Him now, the Jubilee!
Jesus! Our Jubilee!
Redemption is made and from sin we are free!
Announce the gospel to the poor.
Proclaim the captives their release.
Recovery of the blind to see.
This is the age of jubilee.
Amidst the famine in the world,
Rise up! To Father’s house to flee.
No recompense will be received.
No laboring in the jubilee.
Jesus! Our Jubilee!
Returned us to God and to our family.
Now covered with the finest robe,
The fattened calf has slaughtered been.
This Christ our portion e’er will be.
Be merry in the jubilee!
The longing in God’s heart to be
Our portion and possession free.
Created vessels’ content be,
Fulfilled now in the jubilee.
Praise God! Our Jubilee!
Rejoicing in Him, from all things we are free.
When you have God, you have all things.
All things are satisfactory.
What need or deficit have we?!
Praise God! We’re in the jubilee!
Hallelu, Hallelujah!