Christ is the life-giving Spirit, He lives inside of me

Christ is the life-giving Spirit, He lives inside of me;
What a glorious fact; two spirits one are we!
As a vessel I’m created, for God’s economy
And through His dispensing He flows into me.
He is so all inclusive, He is my all in all;
He is rich to me when on His name I call;
I can worship Him in spirit, and in reality;
He’s my full supply, so dear and near to me.
As I’m to my spirit turning, and from my soul I flee,
I enjoy His sweet anointing within me.
He is moving and He’s spreading, deep in my very being,
As His presence fills me with delight and cheer.
Through failures and temptations, anxieties and griefs,
He is listening to my calling and my pleas.
He brings rest to all my burdens, and peace to all my strife,
And as grace He comes to fill me with His life.
It’s no longer I who’s living, but Christ who lives in me;
I am mingled as one spirit with my Lord.
As He strengthens me with power, into my inner man
I can live according to His rule within.
He fills me with His fullness; I day to day apply
All the riches of the Spirit’s life-supply.
He is witnessing within me: I am a son of God.
I express Him in my walk in daily life.
I enjoy His full salvation, and grow organically;
He will bring me unto sonship in His life.
Now from glory unto glory, He is transforming me;
Through the Spirit’s sealing I conformed will be.
When fully saturated, our being tripartite
Will become the New Jerusalem, His bride.
O Lord! Amen! Hallelujah! What great reality!
We’ll express the Triune God eternally!
Katharine Butterworth

Yelverton, Devon, United Kingdom

What a wonderful cheerful hymn. I wish someone would record it on YouTube for many to enjoy. It has so many simple truths.

James Smith

United States

This song is so light hearted and stirs vitality in spirit. It is full of truth but more importantly experience. Not that many remember this from the 70’s. This was written from experience. This is about a healthy Christian life with a clear vision. The experience of Christ expressed in this song is due to the work of the Spirit in a man’s spirit. This song starts with the Spirit just as our spiritual life starts and it grows from that seed. The Christian life should be filled with joy in the spirit as the writer was!

David Frimpong

Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

When fully saturated, our being tripartite

Will become the New Jerusalem, His bride.

O Lord! Amen! Hallelujah! What great reality!

We’ll express the Triune God eternally!


Lagos, Nigeria

God is so good please hold tight unto him, and pray everyday to him for renewal of his strength to carry on each day. Jesus Loves us so much and doesn’t want us to perish, surrender yourself fully to him and you will never regret doing so. Sending everyone love from Nigeria♥️

Durjoy das

