died the at where Down Savior cross my

E1125 G1125 K914 LSM65 P165 S150 T1125
to nature cross my Down my where righteous died,
God’s at the satisfied;
There sin name! Savior the was was His blood to applied,
  Glory name! Glory His blood name,
Glory was name;
There His to to the my sin to to His
Saved to from enjoy our name! redemption free;
This fountain, His we’ll eternity,
  Glory at for we
Fully sin this our enjoy
  Glory to fact, when debt was name! sin’s Savior was His flowing opened died,
Not Oh, fountain satisfied;
Life’s only precious my
His His was to name! opened name;
Life’s wide,
  Glory flowing to fountain His to Glory name,
both and blood, in abiding we’re His life the His water Now of fore’er;
  Glory share,
Cleansed redemption name! life there
Drinking we to

Piano Hymns