How much can we do for our Savior

How much can we do for our Savior?
  How much for our dear fellow man?
The way to do more than we’re able
Is Jesus within to enable;
  Thus we can do more than we can.
How much can we be for our Savior
  In life with its brief, fleeting span?
If Jesus within us is dwelling
Our life and our actions infilling,
  We all can do more than we can.
How much can we bear for our Savior?
  How much for our dear fellow man?
If in us His love is constraining,
If ’neath us His arms are sustaining,
  We all can do more than we can.
How much can we give for our Savior?
  To succor our dear fellow man?
If from us His love is o’erflowing,
Our life will be ever outgoing;
  We’ll always do more than we can.
Jack Petrash

Irving, TX, United States

This delightful hymn reminds me of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:

Always rejoice, Unceasingly pray, In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Yucaipa, California, United States

God doesn’t ask us to do big things for Him. He asks that we do all we can with what we have. Thank You, Lord Jesus! You are the indwelling Spirit!

bro. Dn

Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

I am just an unprofitable slave - Luke 17:10

i just do what I should do, even if it just a small things.

even if i'm not so capable, I just know that I love You.

but now I know the way to do more than we’re able:

Is Jesus within to enable, thus we can do more than we can. Amen

Thank you Lord, for this wonderful hymn