My Lord, I Am Awaiting Thy Coming Again

C762 E8762
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Lord, for Your coming I’ve been waiting,
Waiting so long;
Feels like it’s never terminating,
Continually prolonged.
I long to see Your face in person,
To hear Your voice,
To have more intimate communion
Than what we now enjoy.
If a few more years I wander,
Shed a few more tears,
And think of You a little longer,
Then, Lord, will You appear?
How can the widow put off mourning,
Her love not miss?
Not seeing him can she stop weeping
And no more reminisce?
How can the bride before her wedding
Not lovesick be?
Will not that day’s prolonged postponement
Make her sigh constantly?
Since she began, the church has waited—
Thousands of years;
Long ages she’s endured in patience;
Still You have not appeared.
Since I was young, I too have waited
For my whole life;
My comrades all grew old, were taken;
Still You have not arrived.
I’m weary, Lord, of all this waiting—
Remember me!
It’s getting harder not to murmur,
Stray from my vow to Thee.
So, Lord, I pray, delay no longer.
Make haste, O Lord!
Till now I’ve been exceeding patient;
I can’t endure much more.
Lord, note how long and hard I’ve waited,
And persevered;
If You cannot return so quickly,
Lord, let me go to You.
So long You have concealed Your glory,
Hidden above;
Already, heartless people mock me,
Saying You will not come.
For all my heart’s deep pain and suff’ring,
No comfort’s found.
No human hand can ease my sorrows
When You are not around.
Take me to Your eternal dwelling;
I’ll be content;
All thought of this hard path will vanish
In Your bright countenance.
Vali Balla

Tirana, Albania

No human hand can ease my sorrows

When You are not around.


Wellington, New Zealand

This hymn especially verse 2 reminded me of Song of Songs 2:5, "Sustain me with raisin cakes, Refresh me with apples, for I am sick with love." the footnote on verse 4 note 1 is lovely, "....sustained with Christ as the bread of life...refreshed with Him as the fruit of heal her lovesickness in her longing for her Beloved..." Yes the Lord is here in our spirit, yet He is not; He is in heaven, hence we pine after Him longing to see Him face to face.

Jean Patience

Likasi, Katanga, Democratic Republic Of Congo

"Lord, note my prolonged wait; it's so hard

To continue." What I want is to be close to You. Help me O Savior. Do not let me deceive You by my weakness. I need You, O Lord!