Soon our Lord will come, the day is drawing nigh (revised)

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Soon our Lord will come, the day is drawing nigh,
  Sound of His approaching we can hear.
Watchful we must be and always on alert
  That the Lord our hearts with rapture cheer.
Glory! Christ returns in bright array!
Glory! All the saints rejoice that day!
Shameful body changed to glorious display,
  Christ’s blest portion we enjoy for aye!
Soon our Lord will come, the Morning Star appear;
  Night is deep, and soon will dawn the day.
Never with the current of the age we go,
  That from trials we’ll be kept away.
Soon our Lord will come His servants to reward;
  Those who love Him then the crown will share.
Watchful we must be and treasure not the world,
  Love and serve the Lord, His burden bear.
Glory! Christ returns in bright array!
Glory! Overcomers shout that day!
“Well done, faithful servant!” hear the Master say,
  “Enter My blest portion, yours for aye.”
Soon our Lord will come and in His kingdom reign;
  Satan will be bound, the world subdued.
We must fight the battle, overcome the foe;
  On His throne He then will us include.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.