It is Thy Church so blessed,
It is Thy joy and heart’s delight
And where Thy heart finds rest.
That she be Thine, complete;
For her, I too my body give,
Thy heart’s desire to meet.
That she my living be;
For her, I would forsake myself,
That she be filled with Thee.
Thou in Thy Body seen;
She is my joy and heart’s desire,
The one on whom I lean.
Thou dost to me impart;
In her am I possessed by Thee
To satisfy Thy heart.
It is Thy Church, Thy home;
In it I would forever live
And never longer roam.
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Rancho Cordova, California, United States
Thy dwelling place, O Lord, I love;
It is Thy Church so blessed,
It is Thy joy and heart’s delight
And where Thy heart finds rest.
Thy dwelling place, O Lord, I love;
It is Thy Church, Thy home;
In it I would forever live
And never longer roam.
Rev 3:12 He who overcomes, him I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall by no means go out anymore, and I will write upon him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which descends out of heaven from My God, and My new name.
Mansfield, Ohio, United States
The church is God’s dwelling place and it is His loving bride. I saw something of the church when I was in my teens. I had some vision of the body of Christ. I also experienced the love in the body practically in a local church. The more I saw the more I gave my self to the church. For her you (Christ) has become my all! I have seen that my experience of Christ is for the building up of the body. So I give my all and am willing to forsake myself I desire that Christ and His church be my all in all. I love the church which is the many brothers. Practically this is the ones I’m with.
Church In Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
I am consecrated every time I hear this hymn, it provides the vision, the function of the members of the Body, Rich with God's attributes. We are blended into the corporate family of God and function in co-operation with the Christ who dwells in each and everyone in The Church............
Kalamazoo, Mi, United States
Each time enjoy this hymn I am so reminded of our home - the church. Thanks.
Long Beach, CA, United States
We need to consecrate to the church. “Heart” is mentioned five times in this hymn. In Matt. 13:45-46 the merchant found the pearl of great worth - the church, sold all and bought it - the cross (norcalchurches. org, young adults, 12/21)
Tacoma, WA, United States
We love the church. She is God's heart's desire. Fabulous hymn.
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Fort Collins, Colorado, United States
If the link doesn't work, here are the words...
1. Thy dwelling-place, O Lord, I love;
It is Thy Church so blessed,
It is Thy joy and heart’s delight
And where Thy heart finds rest.
2. For her, Thyself Thou gavest, Lord,
That she be Thine, complete;
For her, I too my body give,
Thy heart’s desire to meet.
3. For her, Thou hast become my life,
That she my living be;
For her, I would forsake myself,
That she be filled with Thee.
4. The Church is Thy beloved Bride,
Thou in Thy Body seen;
She is my joy and heart’s desire,
The one on whom I lean.
5. In her, Thy full supply, O Lord,
Thou dost to me impart;
In her am I possessed by Thee
To satisfy Thy heart.
6. Thy dwelling-place, O Lord, I love;
It is Thy Church, Thy home;
In it I would forever live
And never longer roam.
Romford, United Kingdom
Wonderful hymn of God's heart's desire and goal, to have a home to dwell in. Oh Lord thank You for building us into Yourself and Yourself into us, to be Your Church Your home, Amen.
London, United Kingdom
Dear saints, this is God's heart desire. Let's us continually eat Him that He may gain what He's after. His building the Church. O Lord we love Your dwelling place.