Always I’ll be with you

C491 CB686 E8491 G686 K491 R471 T686
“Always I’ll be with you”—
Promise sweet to hear,
Fills my heart with comfort,
Drives away my fear;
Through long night and gloomy,
Christ my shield will be;
He will ne’er forsake me,
Always be with me.
The Lord is with me,
The Lord is with me;
He’s promised He will be with me
Unto eternity.
The Lord is with me,
The Lord is with me;
He’s promised He will be with me
Unto eternity.
Every flower withers;
His love never will.
Earthly sunlight darkens;
Heav’nly’s splendid still.
He’s like myrrh, a bundle,
’Twixt my breasts all night.
Always He’ll be with me,
Till that morning light.
Rough the way before me;
Trials soon increase;
But the Lord is nearer,
Saying, “Be at peace.”
Joys, like birds of springtime,
Fill my heart with glee;
Cause me to sing sweetly,
“The Lord is with me!”