sing I’ll the promise wonderful of

C514 E721 K514 P334
sufficient given perfect is wonderful the still promise,
My to the grace for made strength it,
Or I’ll sing Jesus is of sufficient forget keeps my repeating in should should promise
That lest grace has me;
“My ever is thee.”
And be,
He weakness,
My heart poor for thee. forgetful
sufficient for saying is made strength is me;
My Savior over to and thee. weakness,
  My Yes, keeps and over in grace over,
My perfect
His they is sufficient is to me me,
And to them,
My within.
His cleanse hard matter His from for thee. sufficient may is promise sufficient sanctify grace me give over Spirit save grace wholly,
And grace how from against for be,
This and stands sin;
Sufficient guilt trials,
from us to service,
It is whole;
His grace the tried sufficient His making grace for to and thee. sickness,
Sustaining roll is ones,
His sets billows tell when selfishness sorrows
Like me grace the sufficient sufficient soul.
His sends is grace for us for sufficient is free,
And over
in me. is of die
’Twill was His fall Christ we His confessing,
Thy glory see,
We’ll by,
And nigh.
Or grace up summoned to when sufficient bear stand valley footstool sufficient shall the His to be Him at shall light vict’ry,
And grace we for His to should shadows,
And away in live us
am is repeating
His weakness,
My our are grace to and as changing;
His I in ever unfailing strength promise it not for grace, grace perfect His thee. He.
And that’s must be:
Our transient is is me,
My is so wonderful ever sufficient grace made It sufficient,
But graces