How vast, immense, and measureless

C330 E8330 P202
How vast, immense, and measureless
The love of Christ to me!
How else could such a wretch as I
Be blessed so graciously?
To bring me back unto Himself,
My Lord His all did spend;
So I would gladly bear the cross
And follow to the end.
My all I have forsaken now,
This blessed Christ to gain;
Now life or death is no concern—
What else can me restrain?
My dear ones, wealth ambition, fame—
What can they offer me?
My gracious Lord for me was poor;
For Him I poor would be.
My precious Savior now I love,
Him only would I please.
For Him all gain a loss becomes,
And comfort holds no ease.
Thou art my comfort, gracious Lord!
I’ve none in heav’n but Thee.
And who but Thee is there on earth
With whom I love to be?
Though loneliness and trials come,
My griefs I’d rise above.
This only would I ask Thee, Lord:
Surround me with Thy love!
O gracious Lord, I now beseech,
Guide me through every stage;
Stand by and strengthen me to go
Through this dark, evil age.
The world, the flesh, and Satan too,
Do tempt my soul apace;
Without Thy love and strength’ning power
I may Thy name disgrace.
The time, dear Lord, is running short;
From earth my soul set free.
When Thou dost come, I’ll sing with joy,
Hallelujah to Thee!

New Delhi, Delhi, India

The time, dear Lord, is running short;

From earth my soul set free.

When Thou dost come, I’ll sing with joy,

Hallelujah to Thee!

Lord that we all may rapture ready to be stolen by you. Amen

Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Lord, conform us more to Your image by means of all things taking place around us and all matters, persons, and things related to us 🙏

May the very nature of God be wrought into our nature so that we may gain God to the fullest extent!

We love you Lord Jesus ❤️


New Zealand

The Lord desires our absolute consecration to Him. I really enjoyed reading the excerpt of our brother's experience which led him to write this hymn (via

"As believers, we may seemingly commit much to the Lord, yet it is often the case that our deepest emotions, our tenderest, most cherished desires and feelings remain hidden from Him. We may pray to the Lord concerning many things, yet guard from Him the most secret chambers of our heart. Yet the Lord desires our full and complete consecration that He might make His home in each believer's heart (Eph. 3:17). He desires to fill and occupy our inward parts, that He might genuinely be our all in all (Col. 3:11). In this way, Christ gradually grows and increases within us until we are fully conformed to His glorious image (Rom. 8:29)."

This matter of consecration isn't one we commit to the Lord once in our lives; it is a yearly, monthly, daily, moment-by-moment matter. Things in our lives change and things that we once thought were not hindrances between us and the Lord can creep in at any moment. May we open up to the Lord concerning all aspects of our lives that He would be our single most desire!


Mankato, MN, United States

O gracious Lord, I now beseech,

Guide me through every stage;

Stand by and strengthen me to go

Through this dark, evil age.

Hallelujah we have such a marvalous Shepherd that guides us through every stage! Thank You Lord for Shepherding us out of so many things, and Lord continue to Shepherd us Until we could declare "Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee."

李 菲 麗

NC, United States

O Lord Jesus, I am utterly exposed and enlightened by singing and praying this hymn repeatedly. As I go stage after stage in my Christian life, I confess that my soul--my mind, emotion and my will are occupied by a lot other than Christ. I pray that He make His home in my heart, replace everything that is not Him so Christ is my all and in all.

I am also touched about our dear brother Watchman Nee's testimony regarding this hymn:

Praise the Lord, what a pattern to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity [1 Timothy 4:12]

Dealt With by God

One day while seeking a theme from the Bible before delivering a message, I randomly opened the Bible and Psalm 73:25 appeared before my eyes: "Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee." After reading these words I said to myself, "The writer of this psalm can say that, but I cannot." I discovered then that there was something between me and God.

Since my wife is not present today, I will relate the story to you. About ten years before our marriage, I was in love with her. She was not then saved, and when I spoke with her about the Lord Jesus and tried to persuade her to believe, she laughed at me. I must admit that I did love her, but at the same time I suffered her laughter at the Lord I believed in. I also questioned at that time whether she or the Lord would have first place in my heart. I must say that once young people have fallen in love, they find it very difficult to give up their beloved. I told God of my willingness to give her up, but deep in my heart I was not willing. After reading Psalm 73 again, I said to God, "I cannot say that there is none upon earth that I desire besides Thee, because there is one on earth whom I love." At that instant, the Holy Spirit indicated clearly that there was something between God and me.

On that day I delivered a message, but I did not know what I was talking about. I was actually speaking to God, asking Him to be patient and impart strength to me until I could give her up. I asked God to postpone dealing with this matter. But God never reasons with people. I considered going to the frontier of desolate Tibet to evangelize and suggested many other enterprises to God, hoping that He might be moved not to raise again the question of my giving up the one I loved. But once God's finger has pointed to something, He will not withdraw it. No matter how hard I prayed, I could not get through. I had no enthusiasm for my studies in school, and at the same time I failed to acquire the power of the Holy Spirit, which I was earnestly seeking. I was in great distress. I prayed constantly, hoping that my earnest supplication might change God's mind. Thank the Lord that all along He wanted me to learn to deny myself, to lay aside human love, and love Him with a single heart. Otherwise, I would be a useless Christian in His hand. He cut down my natural life with a sharp knife so that I might learn a lesson which I had never learned before.

On one occasion I delivered a message and returned to my room with a heavy heart. I told God that I would return to school the following Monday and seek for the filling of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ. During the following two weeks, I found that I still could not say with conviction the words of Psalm 73:25. But thank the Lord, soon afterwards I was filled with His love, and I was willing to lay my loved one down and loudly declare, "I will lay her aside! Never will she be mine!" After this declaration I was at long last able to utter the words of Psalm 73:25. On that day I was in the second heaven, if not the third. The world appeared smaller to me, and it was as if I were mounting the clouds and riding the mists. On the evening of my salvation, the burden of my sins rolled away, but on that day, February 13, 1922, when I laid aside my beloved, my heart was emptied of everything that previously occupied me.

[At that time Brother Nee wrote the following hymn:

How vast, immense, and measureless

The love of Christ to me!

How else could such a wretch as I

Be blessed so graciously?

To bring me back unto Himself,

My Lord His all did spend;

So I would gladly bear the cross

And follow to the end.

My all I have forsaken now,

This blessed Christ to gain;

Now life or death is no concern—

What else can me restrain?

My dear ones, wealth, ambition, fame—

What can they offer me?

My gracious Lord for me was poor;

For Him I poor would be.

My precious Savior now I love,

Him only would I please.

For Him all gain a loss becomes,

And comfort holds no ease.

Thou art my comfort, gracious Lord!

I've none in heav'n but Thee.

And who but Thee is there on earth

With whom I love to be?

Though loneliness and trials come,

My griefs I'd rise above.

This only would I ask Thee, Lord:

Surround me with Thy love!

O gracious Lord, I now beseech,

Guide me through every stage;

Stand by and strengthen me to go

Through this dark, evil age.

The world, the flesh, and Satan too,

Do tempt my soul apace;

Without Thy love and strength'ning power

I may Thy name disgrace.

The time, dear Lord, is running short;

From earth my soul set free.

When Thou dost come, I'll sing with joy,

Hallelujah to Thee! ]

In the following week, people began to be saved. Brother Weigh, who was my classmate, can testify to the fact that up to this time I had been very particular about my dress. I used to wear a long silk gown with red dots. But on that day, I removed my refined clothing and shoes. I went to the kitchen, made some paste, and with a bundle of gospel posters in my arms, went to the street to post them on the walls and to distribute gospel tracts. In those days in Foochow, Fukien, this was a pioneer act.

From my second school term in 1922, I began the gospel work, and many of my schoolmates were saved. I prayed daily for those whose names were in my notebook. From 1923, we began to borrow or rent places for meetings to expand the work of evangelization. Several hundred people were saved at the same time. All but one of those whose names were in my notebook were saved. This is evident proof that God listens to such prayers. It is His way that we must first pray for sinners before they can be saved. In those few years there were many instances to confirm this fact.