Speak, Lord, in the stillness

C585 E809 K585 T809
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Speak, Lord, in the stillness,
  While I wait on Thee;
Hushed my heart to listen,
  In expectancy.
Speak, O blessed Master,
  In this quiet hour;
Let me see Thy face, Lord,
  Feel Thy touch of power.
For the words Thou speakest,
  They are life indeed;
Living bread from heaven,
  Now my spirit feed!
All to Thee is yielded,
  I am not my own;
Blissful, glad surrender,
  I am Thine alone.
Speak, Thy servant heareth,
  Be not silent, Lord;
Waits my soul upon Thee
  For the quickening word.
Fill me with the knowledge
  Of Thy glorious will;
All Thine own good pleasure
  In Thy child fulfill.
Like a watered garden,
  Full of fragrance rare,
Lingering in Thy presence,
  Let my life appear.
Jr Parrish

Minneapolis, MN, United States

Woke up with the first line in my mind and searched for the lyrics. Grateful for the full hymn and the grand reminder that our Lord desires to speak to us in our waiting on him. Thank you.

Philip Kithome

Nairobi, Eastern, Kenya

I often like welcoming the sermon in the church with this song, by the time I sing last stanza, I no longer myself but Holyspirit driven vessel

Dale Harper

Madison, Tennessee, United States

Oh the that comes when THE MASTER speaks.

Oh the joy and comfort you have when you reach out to touch the MASTER'S hand and realize He already had a hold of you.

Oh HIS Wonderful Touch....

Anna Hall

Oxford, United Kingdom

It's moving how she references every sense in expressing her communion with God: hearing his voice, seeing his face, feeling his touch, tasting the bread of life, then the scent of the well-watered garden of her life...

Florli Nemeth

Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

This morning on my 83rd Birthday I’m impressed with the phrase “lingering in Thy presence”. When we linger - stay just a little bit longer - He always comes to us in His still, small voice like He did to Samuel the young boy who became the greatest prophet that ever lived. I do NOT aim to be a prophet like Samuel, but I desire to hear the voice of God like he did. All I really desire is to be a lover of God who daily lingers in His presence. His Word is so life-giving!!!


Dehiwala, Colombo, Sri Lanka

We still sing this beautiful thought provoking hymn in our church but to a different tune (Quiet Hour by Alfred B Smith), which is a very simple but contemplative melody. Can be found in a few hymnals, including Great Hymns of the Faith.


Bebington, Wirral, United Kingdom

Thank you for allowing my comment of yesterday. I have since read some of the other comments and I can say to each of them “Amen! ”

I too have known this hymn since childhood. Somehow yesterday morning the phrase “In the stillness, while I wait on Thee” came to mind (I couldn’t remember the first two words! ) Putting those words into a search box very soon brought up this whole lovely hymn. I’m truly grateful for such a resource! It is a pity that, no, we don’t seem to sing this hymn much now, if at all.


Bebington, Wirral, United Kingdom

Verse 4 of this hymn:

“All to Thee is yielded;

I am not my own.

Blissful, glad surrender,

I am Thine alone. ”

I read this hymn through and was much blessed. But at the verse above I paused: was I REALLY yielded? Was ALL yielded? Did I really know the bliss of full surrender?

I had to be honest with God and myself. The answer had to be no. An excuse sprang to my lips: ‘Can I EVER be certain of being fully surrendered, this side of eternity? ’ Seemed like a ‘cop-out, ’ however.

Yet the Saviour did say “Come unto Me and rest. ” If it’s not possible to know this bliss in this life... well! So the answer lies with me to respond in love to Him.

Lord, help me to surrender fully!


Florissant, MO, United States

He that has an ear, let him hear, what the Spirit is saying unto the Church!

Michael A. Longinow, Ph.D

La Mirada, California, United States

The words of this hymn are like a cool breeze over my weary soul. God is there in the stillness if we will go listening rather than speaking. What refreshment! Thank you for putting these verses up to remind us. How soon we forget.